Lou @Lifewithloux

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May 5, 2023
It’s not all just down to smoking weed there’s a lot of other factors that come into play with autism.

Any factors/causes of autism are speculative and none are proven. I have no idea why I'm neurodivergent, or why my eldest is neurotypical and my youngest is neurodivergent, but smoking weed is not a consideration in my family.
May 5, 2023
I didn’t say it was the sole cause of autism and adhd, nor did I say everyone who smoked weed during pregnancy will have a child with the conditions. There are studies out there albeit participation isn’t very high for obvious reasons - I was shown these by the adhd foundation due to links with a child on the spectrum/with adhd/mld. I am pro cannabis for a multitude of reasons, but like everything, it has to be used in the right way.

The link is via THC and how it crosses the placenta and blood brain barrier (it works well on brain cancer due to this, too - so can be great in some areas and bad in others for the same reason) - this can cause disruptions to the signalling that's involved in neurodevelopment in the foetus. Also been linked to impaired growth, impaired memory and learning disabilities in the foetus.

No offence intended whatsoever - just sharing information I’ve picked up along the way due to my own experiences. Just like not everyone who smokes will get lung cancer, not every child exposed will have these issues, and most children who do will not have them due to exposure.

Lou has also been drinking, taking antidepressants, methadone, smoking…. fing idiot. I was terrified to even consume a fing prawn when I was pregnant. I genuinely really hope and pray she’s just got a gut - it’s a fing big one, but we can hope hey.

No offence taken, all good. I was curious about the studies & purported link. Believe me, I've heard all sorts of theories over my lifetime & this one is tame in comparison 😂
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May 1, 2023
"High as a kite" 🙄 well yeah Lou that's why you're not supposed to be on it. I can't believe the hospital gave it to her.
Just shows how scheming and manipulative she really is. If she was actually serious about her recovery she would have told the hospital she was a recovery smack head and they would have given her alternative pain relief
Apr 16, 2023
Just shows how scheming and manipulative she really is. If she was actually serious about her recovery she would have told the hospital she was a recovery smack head and they would have given her alternative pain relief
Exactly,shes never been in recovery,she has went there basically to get her hands on her next fix,she's a druggie simple as,it was codein abuse that started her on this path,no way did she tell the hospital she is in recovery
May 3, 2023
Never in all my days have I been give codeine for spaining or fracturing my ankles (I broke both one Xmas within 2 weeks of each other) all I have ever been given is a boot and ibuprofen to control the swelling. She is talking absolute se. And who flies of their head on codeine within 2 days use you don't get that feeling I'd your new to it. And no way would they start her on a high dose that would have that effect. 🤔
Apr 27, 2023
May 5, 2023
As if a doctor has prescribed opiates to someone who’s on methadone for an opioid addiction what the do 🫠🫠🫠
I can't believe she's been prescribed codeine
Would the Hospital give someone in recovery codeine? Or is this to cover herself for when she has the appointment to get on her scheme? She lies so much as when she's talking on stories, she looks to the side which is a body language giveaway for lying.

She's had codeine so that when she fails her urine test she'll still get her methadone. It's one of the blags that addicts use. Opiates will show up in her urine, but as she's been prescribed them by a hospital she'll be given a pass and still receive her methadone. This now gives her free rein to buy codeine and other opiates on the streets, as it will be in her system anyway. She most likely used her birth name Amy and her mum's address. The address registered with the drug team won't be her mum's address. She could even have given them Ste's address. A person in GENUINE recovery would divulge that they're in recovery and refuse opiates. She's not remotely in recovery and the last few remaining idiots who believe she is (yes, I'm talking about Carol Ballata/Carolsquares) need to give their heads a wobble. She's used the free taxi service to drop her at the hospital instead of home.

Of course, she could be lying and she's simply bought the codeine from the streets, using the hospital visit as a cover. Drug addicts are thieves, liars and selfish manipulators. They will "shop around" various clinics, hospitals & pharmacies to be prescribed or buy codeine.
Apr 16, 2023
I have questions, because she is taking methadone does that not show up on your drs notes?
Do they not make them take pregnancy tests while taking methadone?
I can go for a routine dental appointment and be asked if there’s chance of possible pregnancy.
If she is on this so called fing programme cus all I see is her chatting s to Insta and absolutely no improvement on her behalf.
And then wouldn’t the hospital see that she’s on methadone and refuse the codeine and give her something else?
Maybe she spent the day in boro begging for codeine.
I don’t live far from boro I hope one day we cross paths!
Apr 30, 2023
Never in all my days have I been give codeine for spaining or fracturing my ankles (I broke both one Xmas within 2 weeks of each other) all I have ever been given is a boot and ibuprofen to control the swelling. She is talking absolute se. And who flies of their head on codeine within 2 days use you don't get that feeling I'd your new to it. And no way would they start her on a high dose that would have that effect. 🤔
I tore the ligaments in my leg and the Dr prescribed two 30mg of codeine, and ibuprofen, and two paracetamol. Never did l feel off my head with it. I felt a bit drowsy, but not how she's describing herself.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
She will know every trick in the book to get prescribed the medication that she wants. All she has done is proven she is still a druggy, no doctor would prescribe codeine with methadone so she clearly didn't declare what medication she already takes. Her list of medication is now very long for someone who was 'addicted to prescriptions meds' as she put it. How does she not realise she still is.
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