Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 18, 2023
And who is this "Tattlers unmasked" sad sack? What kind of idiot chooses to be a lookout for those two morons? A t, that's who.
probably the most pointless page ever. Your unmasking no one unless they don’t care to hide who they are.
And leaving love over beggys post? because that’s honestly who you want on your side? Lou beg? God that’ll show the trolls.
Apr 30, 2023
She's admitted speed, but not taken responsibility for it. No matter the state of her relationship, if you're looking after your kids does anyone with a brain think oh this is the way out of my problems. I'm guessing issues with James started after her escalating drug use.
Sounding like Mrs hinch here, but my sister had a short issue with speed, no idea why, but anyhow her house was always always a mess, a bad state. On speed it looked immaculate for a month, then she stopped, got fat again, and house is a ruin. Why was lou still in a mess, she could've done some manic cleaning stories.
I think it started with prescription medication then went into a variety of drugs. In fairness before the drugs she could barely manage. She used to give out about Oscar but molly was quieter so she could handle her. She probably would have been able to mind the kids on the speed too as she’d have loads of energy which isn’t good but I think then she went onto the harder drugs from what I can gather after James threw her out. I’d say the family tried to intervene a few times as James used to work very long hours and her folks used to take kids for sleepovers so she had a supportive family. She never takes responsibility it’s like faking her death. I think they all knew she was out there but when she was endangering the kids she had to go and good for them putting those kids first. It’s very hard for a father to get custody from an abusive mother/ harming and neglecting the kids ( I’ve first hand experience from a family member) so I doubt James had an easy time getting joint custody.
Apr 12, 2023
I wonder who tattlers unmasked is. They're right up Lous arse.
I have a feeling it’s that fat mess Kayleigh!

The tattlers unmasked Bio originally had the quote “Dear lord, what a sad little life, Jane.” at the same time she was saying it all the time. Then last year sometime she was also helping Marcus Mitchell clear out his “trolls” by getting him to block a load of people and he messed up on a live by mentioning Kayleigh helping him then said that tattlers unmasked was helping him figure out who the trolls were a few minutes later so I really think it’s her!
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