Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 12, 2023
Jesus on a bike & Mary in the basket ! I have just caught up on 60 pages of this thread! I feel like I’ve just woken from a sleep induced blunt!! What the do was all that about? Tbh, as soon as I started to read “Ivy’s” comments I thought it smelt of 5 head, pissed up & brave! She’s vile, bitter & nasty enough to use that language. Also I swear that when I used to follow her years back, she was promoting the tattle haters page & both her & KK were behind it. Around the time they were besties & she put up the wish list for their night in. Anyhow, just wanted to stick my two pence worth in, off for a lie down now !!

@Yamfoot You are my actual hero! Your comebacks are 10/10, not sure why they even try & do with you tbh.
Jesus on a bike & mary in the basket has taken me out 🤣🤣 laughed that hard I almost choked on my biscuit
May 1, 2023


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Apr 12, 2023
On another note. No matter what I need/want I always think "do my kids need anything" first. Her kids got 2 things out of that whole box and she has the cheek to talk about giving something away as in her greed to order she double ordered something.
Also saying the price of things when she says she got them for free? 🤷‍♀
Who would remember the price when it was free? Sorry for the rant but by do the greed annoys me.
She hasn't had to care for those kids in ages. Months and months and months. She makes herself feel better by saying ' im in recovery . I can only help myself right now " . blah blah blah . Recovery isnt changing a drug for a drug. If you are addict , and still getting high on something you aren't in recovery and I dont mean this in a california sober way ( that would be wonderful for lou ),

She didnt get anything for her kids because her kids arent in her daily thought process. her daily life is all lou. what does lou need and how can she beg borrow and plead to get it. she wouldnt even know what size her kids wear ..


Apr 12, 2023
She hasn't had to care for those kids in ages. Months and months and months. She makes herself feel better by saying ' im in recovery . I can only help myself right now " . blah blah blah . Recovery isnt changing a drug for a drug. If you are addict , and still getting high on something you aren't in recovery and I dont mean this in a california sober way ( that would be wonderful for lou ),

She didnt get anything for her kids because her kids arent in her daily thought process. her daily life is all lou. what does lou need and how can she beg borrow and plead to get it. she wouldnt even know what size her kids wear ..
It’s actually disgusting how self absorbed she is. I doubt she even knows what their favourite foods are or their shoe sizes.
May 5, 2023
I think that "one visit" happened not to long ago. She put up a pic of her and ste with a little boy on a swing. Then swiftly deleted it. But it was recent lou and stes hair. If it was me and I adopted him I'd be following and documenting everything to keep them away from Alfie.

Yes you're right!, I remember the photo in question.


Apr 12, 2023
Just caught up with lous stories from today because I’ve been so taken up with poison Ivy… anyway she really is one filthy vile tramp “we’ve got that” “we’ve got this” “I don’t know what that is”. Idiots probably ordered half the stuff while off her head and not even read the description. All flung on the floor of her stinking hovel 🤮🤮🤮
Apr 18, 2023
I could be wrong, but I don’t think open adoptions are a thing in the UK. If she has any contact at all if will be letterbox contact. And it’s up to the adoptive parents whether they give the child any cards, letters etc. it would be considered far too disruptive to the baby to still have contact with their bio parents. The Daddy and me t-shirt made me feel ill.

I love a bit of tat. I’ll be going to B&M and Poundland this morning after the school run. Guaranteed to come out with crap I don’t need. But even I can’t believe the sheer amount of complete rubbish Lou bought with that free credit.

Ivy. I just have no words. I’m sorry you had to read that, Yamfoot. I think it was K too. If I saw any of my kids use the n word or spastic (a particular sore spot for me when I have a little girl with downs) they would be picking their teeth up off the floor.
Apr 21, 2023
It feels like cluedo 😂

Could it be Lorna, she was brought up here yesterday morning-ish, she’s on Canadian time so could be why she was suddenly active , also she’s not from UK so her use and context of her insult are se.

Could it just be KK… she really is just as useless with her insults, and has proven she will stoop low, even ramming those crystals up her punched lasagne wouldn’t and couldn’t change that. Also KK really hates Yamfoot and was mainly going for her…

Or is it 5head. She has the morals of an alley cat, and was getting on the drinks yesterday on her wonderful holiday. Although it’s 2 hours ahead in Turkey so was 3am there, and decent hotels close bars around 12-1 latest.

Or could it be…. Ste? 😂😂😂 naaa I’ve seen his messages and the scamp can’t make a coherent sentence for s. It would definitely have more errors…
🕵🔎 who done it!!!????
Apr 16, 2023
I could be wrong, but I don’t think open adoptions are a thing in the UK. If she has any contact at all if will be letterbox contact. And it’s up to the adoptive parents whether they give the child any cards, letters etc. it would be considered far too disruptive to the baby to still have contact with their bio parents. The Daddy and me t-shirt made me feel ill.

I love a bit of tat. I’ll be going to B&M and Poundland this morning after the school run. Guaranteed to come out with crap I don’t need. But even I can’t believe the sheer amount of complete rubbish Lou bought with that free credit.

Ivy. I just have no words. I’m sorry you had to read that, Yamfoot. I think it was K too. If I saw any of my kids use the n word or spastic (a particular sore spot for me when I have a little girl with downs) they would be picking their teeth up off the floor.
It is a thing but it’s never heard of, you can either have direct contact or indirect contact. Most adopters do not want direct contact and most judges don’t grant it either. It’s very unheard of. Indirect contact is usually done via the adoption agency or local social work office and includes letter or cards and the amount it’s to be done is set via the judge as part of the adoption order being granted.
May 5, 2023
They absolutely see Alfie once a year. He was taken from her 2 hours after his birth, but she has posted (then deleted) photo's with him when he was older, the last one was him on a swing with Lou & Ste & he looked around 18 months old. She also gets progress photo's of him.
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May 2, 2023
They absolutely see Alfie once a year. He was taken from her 2 hours after his birth, but she has posted (then deleted) photo's with him when he was older, the last one was him on a swing with Lou & Ste & he looked around 18 months old. She also gets progress photo's of him.
Probably been just before adoption was officially finalised as when the child is ‘fostered’ visits are supported and facilitated - they are a key part of the decision process when it comes to deciding whether a child can be adopted or must still remain fostered with parental contact. The decision factors into whether the parents have stuck to arranged contact or not, as well as other factors such as clean drug tests etc etc
Apr 18, 2023
He would have still have had contact visits up until his adoption. I can’t see on what planet it would be an open adoption in this case. There won’t be an established bond there. There’s no path there for them to have any custody. It just wouldn’t be seen as being in the wee man’s best interests.

The baby wouldn’t know them as parents as they never parented him. If they have letterbox contact it will all go through the social worker. No way will they know his address. The T-shirt Lou bought wouldn’t be forwarded on to the adoptive parents as no social worker would deem that appropriate. The older kids I do think she would be allowed to send gifts to, I think. It shows that with all those boxes of s that there’s one packet of hair bobbles for the little girl!
Apr 18, 2023
I bet the parents that have adopted baby Alfie think they have the Crown Jewels with him though. For anyone to go through the whole procedure of adopting a child he has to be wanted desperately. Let’s just hope he suffers no long-term effects from the drugs his mum took while she was pregnant. No way do I believe she gave it all up when she got pregnant.

Can you even imagine if that pair of eedjits had custody? The way the poor wee thing would be being trailed up.
May 5, 2023
Probably been just before adoption was officially finalised as when the child is ‘fostered’ visits are supported and facilitated - they are a key part of the decision process when it comes to deciding whether a child can be adopted or must still remain fostered with parental contact. The decision factors into whether the parents have stuck to arranged contact or not, as well as other factors such as clean drug tests etc etc

I understand. This makes perfect sense.
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