Lou @Lifewithloux

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Apr 12, 2023
She’s a cheeky t aint she? Get your own content hun we don’t work for you!! 1BCCD704-5FA4-4AE2-AD82-41187A699EC6.jpeg
She’s already been on here obviously 🙄 hence the tripod comment to take better vids of her cheap tat

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
So he had read on here about what we say about lou.and her begging and he tells her to put his bank details up for some one to send his 3 quid!!! Is he jealous we talk about lou begging and not him!!!
Don't you get a day pass that's like the price of a one way ticket? Sorry but I've never been a bus wanker always been skint owning a car, my mom laughed when I passed my test and said good luck you will not have spare cash now you have a car to run 🤣🤣 but this bus wanker gets benefits etc and wants us to pay! Don't you get free or discount bus fair being on pip and benefits?
May 5, 2023
Lou, you're a liar - and you DO read here, you muppet.

So many things.........

Stop blaming your ex James, your mum & stepdad, social services and anybody else. Show accountability. YOU took drugs whilst James was working. YOU were high when you had 2 little bairns to protect. YOU stole money from your mum. YOU did a dirty on your friend, so she beat you up. YOU didn't pay your rent, & got evicted. YOU took drugs when pregnant with Alfie. YOU took drugs in the hospital toilet after giving birth. YOU chose drugs and Ste, rather than dumping him and quitting drugs to keep that beautiful little boy. YOU beg on the internet for gadgets, clothes, non-essential items, money & takeaways. YOU lie about recovery and continue to take drugs. YOU had just shy of a thousand pounds to spend on that Temu app, but bought useless tat instead of kitchenware, bedding, towels, a HOOVER. It's all YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU!!!! Nobody else, YOU!

If you want real, good advice ... the first thing you need to do is dump Ste. He is no good for you, & you're no good for him.

Then, stop begging online and expecting gullible strangers to fund your lifestyle.

Stick to the methadone programme. Stop thinking that just because drugs are "prescribed" (we know they're not) that it's ok for you to get off your face.

Do something useful to fill your time. Clean your fingernails and volunteer at a food bank, charity shop or church group that feeds homeless people.

Then GET A JOB and off benefits.

Only when you're no longer with Ste, clean & drug free, & a functioning & useful member of society, will you ever have a chance of seeing your two eldest kids ever again.

YOU created the mess you're in. You've shown zero effort in creating a better life for yourself and peoole have opened their eyes to your bullshit and stopped messaging, gifting & sending money because they are realising they're being conned. You take advantage of people's kindness and it's grotesque.

Look in the mirror, you've aged 20 years in the space of 5 years. Sort yoursen out!
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