Sali Hughes



R to @helen_bown: They all do. You’d expect this to be standard in all prams, but most of them are a nightmare.



R to @harriet1marsden: get the smallest buggy humanly possible. Use a lacrosse net on a wheel, seriously.



R to @Shazzakman: Quite. “Beautiful young woman looks like beautiful older woman at 71”. 🤯



R to @Madame_George: Beautiful young woman, beautiful older woman. Looks absolutely like herself at all times.



R to @salihughes: Right? I wanted to **be** Karen Allen when I was a kid, and I still want to be her now!



R to @salihughes: Oh, it's the mail, obviously. Here's my "surprised that the mail is writing se" 49 year old face. It's similar to my "surprised that the mail is writing se" 20 year old face, but 29 years older.



R to @Charliecondou: If I saw her walking down the street I’d immediately think “s! It’s Karen Allen! She looks ACE!”.



R to @thethirdhan: Downloaded it three times, hated it, wrote the books in Word anyway. Scrivener is so, so confusing. But I know lots of people who love it. So the issue may be my brain.



R to @hugorifkind: This is correct. In my experience, a large proportion of north Londoners have an absolutely delusional idea of how centrally they live.



R to @stephenkb: North London is North of Euston Road. South London is South of the river. I will not stand for this notion that Central London is in North London. That way madness lies.



A while ago on here, a lot of people mocked my claim that Chelsea is spiritually in south London. Glad to have support for this from the constituency's MP.