Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

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Mar 7, 2024
Bet Nana’s raging - presume she’s not getting a holiday now. Or did she say no and she’s roped Aimee in 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Beefy said Nana is away the following week so Nana will be ok about not jetsetting off to Spain lol of course she's raging 🤬🤬 being pushed out for beefys smelly cats piss bestest friend lol
Mar 7, 2024
I know it’s so so bad. She done that video and made it like she got them but nope she bought them. So when she is on and saying about all the support I get from Aberdeen and the shire blows my mind. Cause well no one likes her🥴🥴
lol 😂😂 no one from Aberdeen or the shire likes her ! Wake up and smell the coffee big beefy !
Mar 7, 2024
Right people are we all ready for the absolute cracking content we’re gonna get next week 😆 it’s going to be an absolute s show….quite literally with old aimless and her toilet issues, I hope she packs lots of bum wipes 💩 sty knickers and beefy flaps on tour 🙌🏼😂 I for one cannot wait for this next chapter, they’ll hate each other even more than they already do by day 3 😅👍😂
lol but they'll both come back and say they had the best time everrrrrrr lol
Mar 7, 2024
Swear I'm getting whiplash running between the two threads🏃‍♀️. My man has to come off night-shift soon to keep me entertained but this is classic gold. Said over in Aimless's thread that in her DUD, the first thing that that banger said was she was looking forward to the sangria and then goes "Oh and of course making memories with my child", as a wee afterthought. Swear she'd suck sangria oot a pishy cloth if she could.
Cannot wait for her getting bladdered every night to the rage of big Beefy.,having to put her to bed.
I'll give it three days max till one of them switches hotels😂
Poor people sharing their hotel. They're gonna need eye bleach and ear defenders. Would be like a week at Craig Tara trapped next door to the mental Chav family.
lol so true !
Mar 7, 2024
Steph and Aimee going on hols together has got to be the most tragic thing so far this year 🤣🤣 can you just imagine it Steph lazing about while max is kicking off, Aimee stinking of cats piss, l with a slapped arse 🤣🤣 let’s hope their is people their can document the s show unfold I noticed nana didn’t want to go so no mates vav roping in Aimee 🤣🤣
lol the smell of cats piss sticks to your clothes , imagine them all sitting down to dinner with the aroma of eau d'cats piss
Mar 7, 2024
In private: Invites stranger to her house to ‘say it to her face’…

To audience ‘They threatened me and my kids’

Who has allegedly sent threatening messages ? Herself ?
Mar 7, 2024
Said it on Aimless's thread but if she take that mangy comfort teddy with her hope she puts it in the shade with factor 50 on or it's wee mawkit fur will get singed.
Hope big Vav takes her buckled slingbacks with her. 💃
Her big clumpy Steve maddens lol can't wait to see their 'travelling ' clothes and airport dramas lol
Mar 7, 2024
How can she not be embarrassed of herself yet? So happy she’s fing off, bye beefy flaps! A whole week wow🤡 get the steaks out! 🤣 the kids will be papped off first chance they get and she’ll be in one of her burst sausage dresses single and ready to mingle before you can say MINK
Can almost see the headlines on their tik tok /insta posts ... 'two single hot Mamas ' lol


Mar 15, 2024
Can AnyaDavidson come show the rest of the messages please. Can’t make a claim they ‘went on to’ threaten her and her family without showing it. You tried to show everything else… 🤥🥱

Maybe she’ll write more to herself tomorrow.
We should message anya and ask ! 100% it would’ve been messages about the charity thief and how she treated cammys family. If you were getting this much hate and you had nothing to hide why not just prove everyone wrong? Oh that’s right …. 🤥
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Can AnyaDavidson come show the rest of the messages please. Can’t make a claim they ‘went on to’ threaten her and her family without showing it. You tried to show everything else… 🤥🥱

Maybe she’ll write more to herself tomorrow.
Exactly this 👏🏻 cause if someone threatened my family or my children to right I would be showing the messages and taking it further. I don’t think anyone has done that and until there is receipts I won’t believe it and not only ones that Steph has put up.

Don’t get tho if you got that on a daily basis and all the horrible messages and abuse just why still do that “job” that to me blows my mind because I think we could all agree if that was the cause you would pack it in no matter how much money you was making. Your mental health is much more important and your child’s mental health. Suns her up tho, like she said she ain’t going no where. She is such a se mum and only out for herself
Mar 7, 2024
Exactly this 👏🏻 cause if someone threatened my family or my children to right I would be showing the messages and taking it further. I don’t think anyone has done that and until there is receipts I won’t believe it and not only ones that Steph has put up.

Don’t get tho if you got that on a daily basis and all the horrible messages and abuse just why still do that “job” that to me blows my mind because I think we could all agree if that was the cause you would pack it in no matter how much money you was making. Your mental health is much more important and your child’s mental health. Suns her up tho, like she said she ain’t going no where. She is such a se mum and only out for herself
Same here , I'd come off social media immediately if it was affecting mine and my children's mental health , no 'job' is worth it and the police will tell her the same, but she has made up this account because she is a sad deranged individual who thrives on drama and woe is me attitude to get validation from complete strangers online that she is the victim and a good person ! Typical narcissic behaviour . We are all wrong because we don't back her up or lick her big ar*ehole , whereas her Huns can't get enough of her, her day will come and she'll lose everything . I'll be there in the front row with my popcorn !
Mar 7, 2024
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s going to be bloody brilliant 👏🏻👏🏻 Steph will get SO pissed off at her she won’t cope at all. I’ve said it before and saying it again Aimee is not the type of girl Steph would even entertain but since they have no one and just each other it will do I guess. Such a sad tragic life they have.
Her and Aimless will be the laughing stock of the resort . People will be smell the desperation for 🍆 from the pair of them ! We know you read here so happy jollies you pair of muppets, can't wait for the daily commentary of your antics and how you're both 'living the dream & and 'made it on your own without a man' except Vav's jollies has been paid by her late husbands pension and two fathers maintenance while Aimless's has been paid with uncle Dave's 'stash ' 🤑🤑

space raider

Mar 23, 2024
Is it true that aimless isn’t taking H on this s show holiday? 🥴 (I don’t watch her se videos) Poor kid if that’s true, how fin selfish can u get! That’ll be fun for her then 😂 Steph foaming at the mouth not able to cope with max & L with a face like a slapped arse 👍 ohhh what fun! Aimless will be sipping that sangria by the pool slyly taking pics of the hippo in the wild 🤪 this is going to be fin great!
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