Stephanies Tea Time @stephanieteatime

justice for Lynn

New member
Apr 4, 2024
STFU mousey don’t come on ere calling us freaks stupid bint
I’m not about you I’m on about Stephanie and Hall is stupid trolls that are coming into our lives where it is nothing to do with us. We don’t even know Stephanie we know nothing about the woman I’m really we don’t want to know we just want her Stephanie and her little trolls to keep out of our lives what she does is down to her we don’t want to fing know I am sick to death of being in her company with 50 trolls behind her. Every time I am sick of it. I have removed Stephanie from our lives. She is blocked. We have had enough, we are getting mass reported because of her so I don’t know what she has done to create all of this drama and I don’t want to know I am my friends just want to be left alone simple you don’t know us we don’t know you and we certainly don’t know Stephanie she is not our friend she is someone that Lynn introduced us to simple to me and the rest, she’s nobody and that’s the way it’s going to stay just keep away from us Stephanie we can’t deal with your trolls you refuse to block them because you like the attention you throw fuel on the fire you like all the attention you can get you are not normal seriously

justice for Lynn

New member
Apr 4, 2024
It is funny, I was sent a screen recording of the live Mousey, Lynn excetera were in. I quite clearly heard them all, including Mousey, talking about how we all here, were obsessed with Stephanie, how she does nothing wrong, how "if it does not affect our lives personally we should mind our own business", how we created an entire platform to slate "poor Stephanie" (it is called a thread, the platform contains many of them which are nothing to do with Stephanie. Stephanie is not important enough to warrant an entire platform), how we should all leave her alone and more. All while consoling Stephanie in their live. Blocked my backside.

And now she comes here bad mouthing Stephanie? These imbeciles need to pick a lane and stay in it. We have enough playground antics here.
I just for everybody’s information, this isn’t Mousey. This is someone else out of the lives, but I’m telling you all Stephanie is blocked. She will not be in our boxes anymore. We most certainly will not be in her live
Because we can’t stick Stephanie and all the trolls we just want a peaceful life. We all go on TikTok to have a laugh and joke not to fight Rau. Are you belittle each other and have trolls that’s not what we go on there for so therefore we didn’t know Stephanie a few weeks ago And we don’t want to know her now we only know her because of Lynn and we have all told Lynn she has to keep away as well because we do not want to entertain anything regarding Stephanie simple. We are not getting reported and talked about because of a stupid woman, sorry
Mar 14, 2024
West Yorkshire
I repeat once more time, Stephanie and all the backlash, and all the trolls that come with her has been blocked simple. I have no more to say on the matter.
Trolls 😂 I am offended, We are certainly not Trolls, we state facts, and unfortunately if you come on a thread and defend these scroungers, you will get painted with the same brush, but if it's true what you say and you've blocked her, then good on you and enjoy your lives 😬


Mar 9, 2024
"Trolls" the only trolls are Stephanie and Lewis. We just chat about what we see and hear. I don't know what's going on with this thread, it's all taken a strange turn.
I can't work out who is who, who hates who, and who is taking the piss!

Anyhow let's rejoice in the fact it's Friday....must be it's a "Cheeky tekaway" followed by a food bank "haul"

Is she getting her beautiful "canvas" wardrobe this weekend? 😆 🤣 😂 who the do has a canvas wardrobe? Can't wait to see her new bed, I hope it's reinforced to cope with her big fat ass 😍😍
Mar 14, 2024
West Yorkshire
"Trolls" the only trolls are Stephanie and Lewis. We just chat about what we see and hear. I don't know what's going on with this thread, it's all taken a strange turn.
I can't work out who is who, who hates who, and who is taking the piss!

Anyhow let's rejoice in the fact it's Friday....must be it's a "Cheeky tekaway" followed by a food bank "haul"

Is she getting her beautiful "canvas" wardrobe this weekend? 😆 🤣 😂 who the do has a canvas wardrobe? Can't wait to see her new bed, I hope it's reinforced to cope with her big fat ass 😍😍
I'm so confused, so I'll stick to who was originally here when I joined the thread


Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
I just for everybody’s information, this isn’t Mousey. This is someone else out of the lives, but I’m telling you all Stephanie is blocked. She will not be in our boxes anymore. We most certainly will not be in her live
Because we can’t stick Stephanie and all the trolls we just want a peaceful life. We all go on TikTok to have a laugh and joke not to fight Rau. Are you belittle each other and have trolls that’s not what we go on there for so therefore we didn’t know Stephanie a few weeks ago And we don’t want to know her now we only know her because of Lynn and we have all told Lynn she has to keep away as well because we do not want to entertain anything regarding Stephanie simple. We are not getting reported and talked about because of a stupid woman, sorry

Learn to punctuate, you make as much sense as Stephanie.


Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
I repeat once more time, Stephanie and all the backlash, and all the trolls that come with her has been blocked simple. I have no more to say on the matter.

Hilarious! So on that understanding, you have finished posting yes? Ah, I bet no. 🤫

My my, we really do need a rather large can of troll spray in here, this invasion of attention seeking scumbags spilling in from Stephanie's associates, is beginning to look ever so slightly pathetic.

Jog on petal. Tell your friend Stephanie you failed here and made yourself look idiotic, just as she does. 😜
Mar 31, 2024
Ya mum
Its not fair on us to be reported because of Stephanies drama it was much easier to get rid of the problem. As far as im concerned shes no longer welcome in any lives that i am in/mod for, Especially when it comes with innocent people being recorded and spoke about as if we are her 'minions'. I stated a point last week to our group what i thought about the whole stephanie situation and i still stick by it. What ever shes done is on her not me not anyone else just because we spoke in a live. I came on here simply because i found it funny, Im always up for a laugh but when it starts affecting a certain live where a mans just recently had a stroke im guna do anything i can to keep it away from him. Ive never defended stephanie in any way shape or form the only thing ive said is about addresses being leaked and how dangerous that is for children that reside at that address. I'll not be back on this site anymore have fun slagging her off and having a laugh about it but imo shes not even worth the type.


Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
Its not fair on us to be reported because of Stephanies drama it was much easier to get rid of the problem. As far as im concerned shes no longer welcome in any lives that i am in/mod for, Especially when it comes with innocent people being recorded and spoke about as if we are her 'minions'. I stated a point last week to our group what i thought about the whole stephanie situation and i still stick by it. What ever shes done is on her not me not anyone else just because we spoke in a live. I came on here simply because i found it funny, Im always up for a laugh but when it starts affecting a certain live where a mans just recently had a stroke im guna do anything i can to keep it away from him. Ive never defended stephanie in any way shape or form the only thing ive said is about addresses being leaked and how dangerous that is for children that reside at that address. I'll not be back on this site anymore have fun slagging her off and having a laugh about it but imo shes not even worth the type.

You were vocal enough last night about everyone here, naming members and slating them on the live, encouraging others to come in here to troll, reading out members posts excetera.

You were all wedged firmly up Stephanie's backside happily defending her, pitying her and ready to come in here to "have a laugh and take the piss" out of us and "cause as much trouble as possible as we are all freaks".

You all thought that was hilarious, you all were running back and forth here. I watched it myself with my own eyes, so why come here now pretending otherwise. We are not half as stupid as you believe us to be.
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Mar 31, 2024
Ya mum
I was vocal enough to state i wasnt a certain person on here, I was messaged saying we where being spoken about and i came and had a look. Yeah i started commenting for a laugh thats just the person i am. I dont pity stephanie and never have, So you havent watched enough really have you, Or you'd know that. Yes i said if she wants a takeaway let her if she wants to be fat let her, Why air it its no ones buisness. But like i just said im done with it why should i be posted on a forum thread because people have a problem with her. Im being tarnished with the same brush and by god im far from. I told stephanie to keep her personal life off tik tok and she wouldnt listen and it doesnt take a genius to work out it was her posting her own address, Im not as thick as i might make out to be. I do take notice of things hence why i never defended anything she does.


Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
I was vocal enough to state i wasnt a certain person on here, I was messaged saying we where being spoken about and i came and had a look. Yeah i started commenting for a laugh thats just the person i am. I dont pity stephanie and never have, So you havent watched enough really have you, Or you'd know that. Yes i said if she wants a takeaway let her if she wants to be fat let her, Why air it its no ones buisness. But like i just said im done with it why should i be posted on a forum thread because people have a problem with her. Im being tarnished with the same brush and by god im far from. I told stephanie to keep her personal life off tik tok and she wouldnt listen and it doesnt take a genius to work out it was her posting her own address, Im not as thick as i might make out to be. I do take notice of things hence why i never defended anything she does.

Actually, I watched until the live ended, it was screen recorded and sent to me. I saw everything, I do not lie, so please, trying to downplay your own words or identity is futile. Your post above, you realise you outed yourself despite denying who you are? Ridiculous!

You appear to have alot to say for someone who:

1) is no longer posting or coming back here, and
2) does not wish to be here in the first place

Bye bye now. 👋.

Just an added note, the recording I have is very long, but I will see if it can be separated into smaller chunks, if so I will happily post it up here.
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Mar 31, 2024
Ya mum
Actually, I watched until the live ended, it was screen recorded and sent to me. I saw everything, I do not lie, so please, trying to downplay your own words or identity is futile. Your post above, you realise you outed yourself despite denying who you are? Ridiculous!

You appear to have alot to say for someone who:

1) is no longer posting or coming back here, and
2) does not wish to be here in the first place

Bye bye now. 👋.
Well watch it properly then cos you clearly arent as clued up as your think you are. Never once have i denied who i am i stated who i am and you still proceed to think im lucy, Thats a you problem mate.


Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
Well watch it properly then cos you clearly arent as clued up as your think you are. Never once have i denied who i am i stated who i am and you still proceed to think im lucy, Thats a you problem mate.

I have never thought you were Lucy, nor have I stated that about you, someone did here but that was not me, so it appears it is definitely a "you problem" "mate".

Not quite as "clued up" as you thought no?
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Mar 18, 2024
Comment Cafe
So where have i once denied who i am then? Maybe you should read back through and jog your memory back, Because i stated quite a few times who i was mate.

To make clear, I stand by what I have said regarding what was stated in the live yesterday, as I have the recording and I also know, others from here were watching too.

It does appear I owe you an apology however, as I seem to have confused you with the other troll that was also on the live with you, who was here last night denying who she was. For that, I apologise. When I am wrong, I am wrong.
Mar 19, 2024
Under Da Sea 🌊
I was vocal enough to state i wasnt a certain person on here, I was messaged saying we where being spoken about and i came and had a look. Yeah i started commenting for a laugh thats just the person i am. I dont pity stephanie and never have, So you havent watched enough really have you, Or you'd know that. Yes i said if she wants a takeaway let her if she wants to be fat let her, Why air it its no ones buisness. But like i just said im done with it why should i be posted on a forum thread because people have a problem with her. Im being tarnished with the same brush and by god im far from. I told stephanie to keep her personal life off tik tok and she wouldnt listen and it doesnt take a genius to work out it was her posting her own address, Im not as thick as i might make out to be. I do take notice of things hence why i never defended anything she does.
You forget Steph was desperate for a TL thread ,she used it to her advantage for likes and gifts from people that were gullible enough to feel sorry for her , even when it transpired herself and Lewis were fake trolling to gain more freebies people still couldn’t see past her lies, no idea why they used the excuse of making the fake account to get a tattle code when Lewis could’ve genered her one ,he’s got VIP status 😂


Mar 24, 2024
I’m not about you I’m on about Stephanie and Hall is stupid trolls that are coming into our lives where it is nothing to do with us. We don’t even know Stephanie we know nothing about the woman I’m really we don’t want to know we just want her Stephanie and her little trolls to keep out of our lives what she does is down to her we don’t want to fing know I am sick to death of being in her company with 50 trolls behind her. Every time I am sick of it. I have removed Stephanie from our lives. She is blocked. We have had enough, we are getting mass reported because of her so I don’t know what she has done to create all of this drama and I don’t want to know I am my friends just want to be left alone simple you don’t know us we don’t know you and we certainly don’t know Stephanie she is not our friend she is someone that Lynn introduced us to simple to me and the rest, she’s nobody and that’s the way it’s going to stay just keep away from us Stephanie we can’t deal with your trolls you refuse to block them because you like the attention you throw fuel on the fire you like all the attention you can get you are not normal seriously
Go back to your Snapchat call your as bad as her with the lies after lies we ain’t stupid ere and clearly ain’t bothered what you or your muppets av got to say


Mar 24, 2024
You were vocal enough last night about everyone here, naming members and slating them on the live, encouraging others to come in here to troll, reading out members posts excetera.

You were all wedged firmly up Stephanie's backside happily defending her, pitying her and ready to come in here to "have a laugh and take the piss" out of us and "cause as much trouble as possible as we are all freaks".

You all thought that was hilarious, you all were running back and forth here. I watched it myself with my own eyes, so why come here now pretending otherwise. We are not half as stupid as you believe us to be.
They are all full of it this is there next tactic to see if it all stops, in the words of mousey lastnight *lynn am about to cause trouble* and now look as you said they were quick to jump on ere defending her and slagging us off. They think were the stupid ones lol
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