Tara Attfield


Nov 11, 2023
Have been coming across a few awareness lives recently on Tara Attfield. So thought I would start off a thread on here for people to provide facts and their opinions.

I am aware that this woman has lost her children. She inappropriately kissed her daughter. There is video evidence of this

She hosts games of bingo on Tiktok when she doesn't have a gambling licence.

That's just a couple of things that I have been made aware of.

Please feel free to share any information that you have on her


Apr 17, 2023
She was chased out of her previous home for pretty much what she’s doing now. Had the windows put in etc. she’s apparently recently given birth again which is why she took so much time off tik tok. There are stills from her lives with a very visible pregnant belly. Her son accused her of sexual assault. There’s so much
Mar 11, 2024
All i know is its frustrating working and paying taxes for the likes of her sitting at home and getting her teeth done for free coz of her own vile habits!

I dont mind paying taxes when it goes towards the ss and saves kids from the likes of her but free dental for scum like her erm no thanx
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just watching

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Mar 28, 2024
grater Manchester
Tara were do I start with this one firstly she was selling her smashed kebab online with the kids around also she posted content with a crunchy bar in said smashed kebab then then she whent on to send indecent image's of her own child online aswell as neglect and abuse of said childern she was ran out the house with the kids where she would place the kids in stress positions on walls ect then the she gave a customer a bj in the toilet of the hotel with the kids there then they were taken were she then lived In a tent a cryed daily about the se she was in kids gave evidence of what she did to them and what happened in her care then she sofa surfed then in a hostel then she moved in with a bloke then she got the flat she's in now then she whent m.i.a after coursing drama with the bingo and asking other people ls kids for money she had another baby that she lost at birth then she came back is now selling herself again on snap and is running the bingo scam as well as everyother scam she has going at the moment and is still asking kids for money I think that is a good summery of it so far


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Apr 20, 2024
I was recently a mod of hers. Believe me, we hate her more than you guys do, we just love the entertainment. I have watched her for ages, way back before her children got removed. I felt bad for her, due to her being a single mum of 3, she seemed seriously overwhelmed. But she just kept making bad decision after bad decision, it got impossible to stand by her and defend her actions. Being a single mother, I understood her frustrations but that night at the hotel with her children, one of her daughters had thrush, what did Tara decide to do? Shout at her for being upset and continue her live stream, that was the final straw. She was a horrendous mother, the kids are safe with their dad and his new girlfriend. They are in school, thriving and happier than ever. I do not wish ill on Tara, I only wish her children are able to see their mother for what she truly is in the future, for me, that is the best possible outcome.
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May 9, 2024
West Yorkshire
They are bullies, youre right! I am not a Tara fan but the women that are supposedly raising awareness are nasty. Two of the women were friends with Tara and knew about her but then had a fall out so started the croissant crew! They WERE her supporters! Who needs ‘friends’ like them? They have told so many lies to spread hate and they also start on anybody who has an opinion that doesnt match their narrative.
ive seen messages that they have sent to people and they should be ashamed. I say well done to the ones that broke free from that group! I wouldnt be part of the croissant crew but nor would i be a supporter of Tara!