Trolls_unmasked / Tattlers_unmasked

Aug 24, 2023
Still can’t take your eyes away from my stories and talking about me. So I’d say you definitely care and to start a thread trying to work out who I am 🤣 don’t I feel important. I’ll keep going until tattle is shut down
Why don't you try and shut down this forum? Did u get kicked out of tattle and have a chip on your shoulder about it? fing moron
Aug 24, 2023
I agree they're just as bad as the tattlers they call out. On part time working mummy thread they keep platforming them when the right thing to do is ignore.
I would put money on its someone from tattle that was banned for being too abusive & hateful so now they're anti tattle and get off from all the attention.
100% they are bitter for being kicked off tattle. They don't fit in anywhere so are trying to lick insta huns arses and now even they don't want the sad sack. They ain't exactly secret service are they, they only find what crumbs people have accidentally left!
Jul 16, 2023
Have I missed all the fun? Just got back from a lovely weekend away! Did dickhead finally out the one she’s been banging on about for ages? 🥱 Anything we didn’t already know? I don’t know why I’m asking really it’ll just be the same old regurgitated s.

Oh and nice try Welsh but the insta account is called trolls unmasked, not tattle. You’d think the owner of the account would know that! 🙄

You’ve had your fun, now back under your rock you go… 👋
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