And if you don't like what we say here don't read it then apply your own logic in fact don't go out of your way to come to this site to then make an account to have ago at us pot kettle black comes to mind as i said delulu does not even cover itIm just still struggling to understand why so many people are investing their time creating opinions on someone they either dont know personally or dislike or both Belittling someone clearly having a rough time. Life is short. Get on with your own and stop worrying what others are doing what Beth does is up to Beth nobody else. Keep your opinions to yourself instead of kickin a woman while shes down making the situation 10x worse than it needs to be. And lets be real here, if half of you didnt b about her behind anonymous accounts then half she stuff she vents about wouldnt even need to be said. People have different coping mechanisms and just because Beth handles her life differently to you it doesnt make her a bad person. There is alot worse things going on in the world that you could be actually doing something about rather than belittling a mum clearly doing her best in a bad situation. Her boys are fed, clothed, watered and from i see alot more looked after than some children. And if you dont agree or like what she does, DONT WATCH