I looked at Miss B's live, saw it was mute and pissed off. Checked back a couple times and figured I'd see what the actual reveal was later when it was posted on here. I'm sorry for anyone who was worried, but I find that sometimes we need to remind ourselves WHO we are watching, what their behaviour and manner is online. Miss B is a troll who is toying with these fs, so I figured she was also toying tonight. I also figured that Miss B has many people who care about her who also speak directly to her, so if there was an issue she would all ready be inundated with messages.
I'm sorry if anyone thinks I'm being a dick, but I guess I can be quite old in the tooth with this online bollocks. I've spent more than half my life online at this point, on forums or in chatrooms even. I even used to try and convince people in chatrooms that I was Taylor Hanson at one point, for the lolz.