Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

May 16, 2024
Has there been any update on the leg?

Last time I saw it it looked ready to drop off. 💀
Nothing we know about. She had her skin graft, Tracy has told her off for picking at it, we're told that "it's healing amazingly" and all that, but we were also told that her fight with the security guard caused damage to it. I think she's being incredibly selfish by not giving us photos and an update.

She barely moves anymore, so I don't think it's healing as well as they like to claim.
Mar 10, 2024
I'm pretty certain she uses a filter or setting that slims the face, so that's a constant argument for the camera. But she's bumped or bruised her eye somehow, and the injury seems to be taking on a life of it's own. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️

This is from the 24th.
View attachment 1000021804.mp4
'i've got a bad one 'ere' and then proceeds to dig around in her nose 😭
Animated GIF
May 16, 2024
These people are so thick. They're basically sat there saying "I double dare ya". 🤣

i dare you a christmas story GIF
do. I wasn't going to talk about it and I've jumped straight back in with both feet. 🤣

AND FUDERMORE, why is he still working things out now? 6 weeks before an event like this should have every detail worked out, everything cemented and sorted.

AND EVEN FUDERMORE, why is he announcing who is going on when he's saying people can still audition until Friday? That defeats the whole fing purpose of having auditions open until Friday. You thick t, "Randy". I wouldn't trust you to fix a roof, let alone put my health and safety in your hands for a week.

Plus Court and Emz are raging at each other. Court is claiming Emz reported her & is the reason why she now can't afford to feed her kids.