Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

May 16, 2024
Miss Red on live talking about the Southport tragedy, telling people not to gift her, but hasn’t turned gifts off. If she had brains, honestly 🙄
Just shows. "Oh, but I told them not to gift, it's not my fault they gifted".

Linkee GIF by Big Potato Games

Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
Morning, something weird happened to me last night. I couldn’t sleep as usual,I had my earbuds in listening to true crime on my iPad as I do every night. I was up and down to the bathroom and just lay there for ages. My ear buds stopped working so I checked the battery and they were at 98% so I pressed the side and it didn’t click. Just then my Alexa lit up the room flashed bright blue and green.i s myself tbh.i said Alexa off but it just kept flashing. I took the ear buds out and looked at the iPad and it was still playing through my earbuds but I couldn’t hear anything. I got my other pair out and put them in, I could hear but Alexa was still flashing, the flashing then stopped so I was like ‘’ok calm the do down”. A few minutes later it started flashing again so I sat up and stared at it. I said “alexa” nothing,just thing the word “hello” comes across where the time should be,then it goes black,then the time flashes and it’s 01:11. 😱😩 what does this fing mean? Nothing I expect but I couldn’t sleep all night

the exorcist exorcism GIF