Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


the fingers, feet, and tongues too. leave them as Hannibal did Mason Verger
Review: Hannibal S3 – Digestivo – Novastream
I have to agree with you, children should be protected and predators/groomers deserve the worst.
I'm more concerned about those children that t was joking about being drugged. Its literally turned my stomach.
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Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Do you think Corie has perhaps shown his true colours before going in to the `tiktok house` ? I think 99% of Corie is just an act. I still remember the days when he was on holiday with EQ and he was the biggest wet flannel about, he wouldn't say boo to a goose. EQ called him out for being a big pussy and said he wasn't built for social media because he can't take a bit of trolling. I think a lot of what he says and does now is just to cause a bit of a stir and an act for the camera
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
i think its from the Tv show Hannibal, some of the visuals are beautifully savage and grotesque.
the book is better but i can't gif that😭
and its a pedophile being fed his own eels by one of his victims
I adore that show and have seen every episode but I don’t remember that scene 😮 that show is like art, stunning but very macabre!


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
What’s damaging to mixed kids growing up is racism within their own family. Its so sad
I know, it makes me so fing angry. My family is of mixed heritage, white, Hispanic and Jamaican, we all have different skin tones and we all respect each other. I would never dare say to my black niece and nephew what Hayley has just said. And if I did my family would fing flip. In fact they would probably disown me.
Hayley is the type of person who epitomises the saying “I can’t be racist cos I have mixed race people in my family” No Hayley you are the worst type of racist, you see the struggles that people from the BAME communities face, even more so this past week and you still add to that struggle within your home setting. You are teaching those kids, and they are only young children, that racism towards them is ok, you have no idea the damage that you are causing to those children as they grow and experience life outside.