Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Dec 21, 2023
Charlotte and Paula were talking about Lisa and her illness (doubting it) and Paula has told Lisa what Charlotte was saying so s has hit the fan. But it honestly looks like both Paula and Charlotte discussed it and then Charlotte got thrown under the bus. Ti's all abit mad 🤣
I was correct Paula was just as bad as Charlotte but threw Charlotte under the bus.

Think About It GIF by Identity
The paranoia is real on TT. I rarely comment, but if i do, i rarely get a response or its met with a hesitative response.
i mean, its fair, i can be a sarcastic t.

Hope you're well 🤎
It's actually pretty sad like are we not human also I feel like I must be some sort of alien earthling. I am well thankyou, hope you're well 🤎
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
I've nicked my neighbours broadband password 😈 it was either that or do myself an injury by hanging out of windows and other weird behaviour just so I could get online to read CC.
I've officially lost the plot.

Neighbour- "we have restrictions on it "
Me - "no bother"
Neighbour- " btw, it automatically turns off at 10pm"
Me - "I'll break in and turn it back on so don't do it"
I think she was joking, but I was deadly serious. 😭
I can’t believe you’re got a curfew luv 😭

Imagine if Ang got a court order like Lucy Rose did, off the internet by 10:30pm. It would be perfect 😚👌🏼 Off altogether would be ideal but better than nothing.
Jul 29, 2024
This thick fat t wanting in on the dark web to allegedly protect a vulnerable persons money!
This is the level of intelligence with this one - just ring the bank and cancel the card you fat t! I’m almost certain nearly everyone’s details in the entire world has been sold to someone at some point. Ring the back, report the fraud, they give you the money back, and they investigate the fraud! Job done! Rhino and her fat fing cock shaped nose acting like a some safeguarding officer 🤣 bro you got your kids took off you by your ex bcos you chose a drug dealer over them 😂😂 LMFAO!!!
She’s such a fing t, contact bank and police ffs. Why is she asking for advice before even telling the ladies family ??, I hope they tell her they’ll deal with it moving forwards. Slippery f she is


I can’t believe you’re got a curfew luv 😭

Imagine if Ang got a court order like Lucy Rose did, off the internet by 10:30pm. It would be perfect 😚👌🏼 Off altogether would be ideal but better than nothing.
Curfews should definitely be issued to the like of angie, but she'd probably nip to her local Macdonalds and spend the night there.
My neighbour sent me a WA she was joking, but I think she knew I would 100% creep in here window and switch it back on.
Thief Robbery GIF by State Champs
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Mar 6, 2024
Aww, Mushroom is having a giggle about Kesh and his name changes. 😳

Quite interesting that considering he wished aids on Alex. So it’s quite likely him behind the account or someone he’s friends with. Not buying it being Cal or Wayne as never heard them wish the worst on people, even when they’re vile.