Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

That particular gentleman, she lied about kissing him (consensually) and that he took her number or she gave him hers. It was complete bollocks.
She made out he wanted to date her ect? and all he simply done was buy her a soft drink and help I think I've a headache and my memory isn't great but I vaguely remember bits.
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Can you imagine if you did sadly everything has to be played out politically and carefully here because everyone reads it and twists it. You just know though what you'd have on record is a very different story 😬
I stopped screen recording Ang a long time ago - probably around the time when I found this place. I rarely go into those recordings and I’m not 100% sure but I know it came out one evening when I was likely recording on my iPad 😭


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
I don't recognise anyone in flanges box. must be the latest cohort being processed through for the coming month

Are You Serious Fed Up GIF
Yes that’s it, then she went into her antisemitic rant 🤦🏻‍♀️
About how dangerous ect they are I'm sure this was around the time she called Alex a predator too. All men are predators in her eyes just like what she done with ricksta. It's a pattern of strange behaviour
Mar 18, 2024
united kingdom
Been a while CC lot
Been travelling route 66 and my bucket list has been for filled.

I hope everyone is well. I will read through but life is for living mother fers 🥰 remember to go outside and hug a tree or 5. Internet isn’t all as it seems

Much love to the decent ones ❤️🤎
The ears behind fake accounts to target their “friends” you’re fs


Jun 26, 2024
Been a while CC lot
Been travelling route 66 and my bucket list has been for filled.

I hope everyone is well. I will read through but life is for living mother fers 🥰 remember to go outside and hug a tree or 5. Internet isn’t all as it seems

Much love to the decent ones ❤️🤎
The ears behind fake accounts to target their “friends” you’re fs
Omg I bet it was amazing on my bucket list to do route 66 in a Cadillac
Sorry to intrude on your chats , I’ve never wrote in here and to make an account . I just love a night scroll reading your chats . Lisa can you kindly do one , your ruining my night rituals. No body is arsed , sorry for that my god she’s annoying , so many pages of blah blah blah . Think I’m finished have a good night all