Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

May 16, 2024
Morning, well that was an uneventful night. How did things end with Michelle in angie’s?
Fail Good Morning GIF by Natalie Palamides
She stayed there in the box waiting for an apology from leather handbag until someone sent a money gun, then went live with @Alicia.
Mar 15, 2024
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Listen up Angie's anus dwellers, keep your money, prices of everything are about to go up, you think she's going to give a s about you when you can't afford food or heating? No, she's spending your money on take away and wine, hope that thought keeps you warm when your family are sharing a tin of beans for a week in your unheated homes.
Exactly, October's budget announcements going to be bad...
Mar 15, 2024
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2 of the biggest flip flops ever 🤣🤣 they’ve both bad mouth Angie multiple times but then gone back
I just don't understand it, a few pennies here and there..yes..Big gifts, WHY?? you don't know them, they don't care about you, why give them your money? I'll never understand ot. Even if I was a multi millionaire I'd give money to worthy causes, charity but to twats on the Internet.. no way!!!
Sassy William Frawley GIF by Amazon Prime Video
Mar 15, 2024
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My grandson just been sobbing in bed I said whats wrong, he's distraught saying I am going to hell Nannie ( he's on the spectrum so sensitive) am saying no you are not, he is in bits I am, I am he's saying , what makes you think that babe, I say naughty words in my head he said, I said priests swear, little f said find one and show me, I got a priest saying gobshite on you tube, he listened then sobbed again, I said what's up now, he said I am so happy, they are happy tears😂😂😂
Omg that's cute
May 10, 2024
What was all that s with Michelle Flange and EQ last night? I couldn’t follow it and passed out. Did Michelle go in to flange and call them out then went and dropped loads on EQ just to piss them off?
Apr 7, 2024
Exactly, October's budget announcements going to be bad...
There has been changes already my daughter is self employed part time gets a UC top up, doesn't get any help offthe kids sperm donor, yesterday she was told she has to up her hours to 30 a week and the top up obvs will be slashed by half it's a new rule bought in by tories before the election, so wether Starmer carries it on we don't no until budget, hating him more by the day, I am left always will be, but they are giving the Ukraine 11 fing billion pounds 🤯
Feb 29, 2024
There has been changes already my daughter is self employed part time gets a UC top up, doesn't get any help offthe kids sperm donor, yesterday she was told she has to up her hours to 30 a week and the top up obvs will be slashed by half it's a new rule bought in by tories before the election, so wether Starmer carries it on we don't no until budget, hating him more by the day, I am left always will be, but they are giving the Ukraine 11 fing billion pounds 🤯
It's so hard when you have children and only one wage coming in, more so being self employed 🥺
Feb 29, 2024
Energy going up again as well isn't it, think we are well and truly fed dreading budget.
There has always been a cost of living crisis but now the middle class are affected they give it a name. I really don't know how families cope with the cost of living 🥺 I struggled when I my kids where at home but its even worse now