Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


May 27, 2024
Narnia ✨
Season 3 Love GIF by Paramount+
kingsley shut up GIF

shooting al pacino GIF
I'm surprised her hench women like Haley, zihanna, and the Welsh posse are not in backing her up
They always disappear when she does this and pretend they haven't seen it till she does the fmyp. Yet eternity is in her chat backing every bit of bullshit she spews

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
we all, other than angela, know that a petty thief is not in the same criminal league as a serial "assaulter". she is purposefully dense and it annoys the s outta me.

I grew up with the mindset that genuinely good people can do genuinely stupid things and they shouldn't be judged and persecuted forever for it. 1 bad mistake in life shouldn't take away 99 good things a person may have done, however there is a MASSIVE difference between good people fing up and bad people just being bad people. A person who shoplifts or steals £250 from a till isn't somebody I'd perceive as a bad person, a bad person would be somebody stealing from a childrens charity full knowing where that money would be going , a really bad person would be somebody who's been locked up for the most heinous of crimes. That said, I do think some people can change.