It was before Serena and Irish Kelly, so they only know what she told them. She said that it was a group of girls she was arguing with on She said she made the "infamous" threats and said the n-word because these girls were being abusive to her, sharing her rp in their group chats and making racist photos of her mixed race nephew. She said that these girls threatened things upon her, which is why she threatened the same back. I haven't watched all of her video, but I saw she does tell her side of the story in it.
Yes, her (now ex) girlfriend pretended to be a teenage boy named Clout.
They even photoshopped MrDickTokUK into wedding photos with Leona. So many people believed it - it was insane.
Leona has had beef with basically everyone, but it's never her fault. Miss Red, Zavii, BigJam, Dorans, that valley farm place, Angela, Roadman, Feisty and I've forgotten the rest.