Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Sep 17, 2024
abwahcadabwah giphyupload GIF
abwahcadabwah giphyupload GIF

Rhino hunter

Feb 24, 2024
Darkside of the moon
Well I’ve just checked the tattoos and that James posted this pic 1 day ago ( now I know it means nothing cos it could be an old pic but I’m running with this anyway)

He has a tattoo on his wrist

This is it closer

Now Kam has a tattoo on the same wrist but it is on the side and extends down the side of his hand. And anyone who has tattoos will know that this is clearly an old old tattoo


Personally unless James is posting pictures from 10 years ago or Kam has had a hard paper round since leaving the hunting community, I don’t think they are the same person.
Anyway that’s my interest in the Kam/james saga over

On to the Aussie drama in Michelle’s live, icl I love it when Aussie men argue and insult each other by calling each other a dirty dog 😈😈
I’ve posted his pic already obviously but only other thing I’ll say is his first name is Johnathan… both kam and corie are now guilty of s exposures 🤣🤣
Billy just spoke on Hayley. He’s heard she stole money when she was a carer. She messaged him and denied it then left the app soon after.
There was something said about her husband in Angie's or someones I can't remember who's I've had about 500 naps since but she didn't return after that either