Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
Taurian just convinced me she is innocent of racism towards the gypsy/traveller community cause she asked Carla “you watch me a lot, how many times do I say “you shag your mum or dad to people”?” And Carla said “Oh, LOADS” 💀

I’m sorry, all that’s just proven how often you’re a nasty t! Imagine people knowing you say that to people all the time.

I was enjoying the Cam2Crew this morning, until she came in. I refuse to give my view to them if she’s just accepted in there.
Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
Is this the big headed doll woman?
Dead By Daylight Laughing GIF by Xbox
I want to see an edited picture of Chucky in some 2002 old woman’s dress. I bet we won’t be able to tell the difference. Added point for including the hairband 😭


Mar 1, 2024
Hang on, so Angie has been faking to have Dementia, because let's be real, there's no way on earth she has it, especially just after believing Google results. Saying she'd go to the doctor's if she remembered where it is, people were calling her name last night and she turns around (literally) and shouts "who the do is Angie"
Sick Cbs GIF by Paramount+
She's entering the menopause, it's brain fog, wait till the menopause hits her full on.... fingers crossed 🤞 she won't mock Dementia then

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Pearl's on about this DWP. Is it the DWP who just kept on flashing dick pics in people's boxes? Or is there another?

Another apparently, there seems to be a young and old.

Old is the one they're on about, he used to be on an account called Zero or something , proper wroungun that I'm sure has been mentioned before


Mar 6, 2024
Taurian just convinced me she is innocent of racism towards the gypsy/traveller community cause she asked Carla “you watch me a lot, how many times do I say “you shag your mum or dad to people”?” And Carla said “Oh, LOADS” 💀

I’m sorry, all that’s just proven how often you’re a nasty t! Imagine people knowing you say that to people all the time.

I was enjoying the Cam2Crew this morning, until she came in. I refuse to give my view to them if she’s just accepted in there.

I turned off as soon as he started playing Christmas songs.