Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 2, 2024
She’s quite old, her username has red hearts in, she commented on my Ian Beale video screaming mental health, but had to answer when I asked if she queried her crush Miss Red every day when she literally bullied people for hours on her platform, and she was antagonising anyone who commented, then apparently she’s just went live and was upset or something and Alex got in the box. Another who doesn’t give a do about bullying people for hours on live.
I only told her to calm her flaps 🤭
Feb 28, 2024
That exposed lot are round the bend !!!
Go Crazy Wtf GIF
Its brilliant because EVERYBODY is wrong.
Rebecca is trying to nail a man as a sexual predator when she asked him to cum on her tits first
Rebecca is claiming dead children that arent hers
Han is bulldozing in and harrassing a vulnerable psycho which would jeopardise even Alex's case
Exposed has all the wrong information and doesnt even fact check it first
Exposed is absolutely awful at speaking to people and is like the new tiny tony
Alex sent his dick everywhere
Canadian Angie is like exposed but without the rage
Feb 28, 2024
Hahaha!!! I think you did the right thing.
Hann lied or perhaps forgot what she said, so now exposed is gunning for her
i mesaged exposed the other day telling her that rebecca is a liar both about her children and more pertinantly about alex as i have seen the messages. exposed didnt reply to me and continued. so i assumed the convo was her realising she was wrong as i heard her saying 'i cant believe i was so stupid'