Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 15, 2024
D Block
I want to tell Angie it’s ‘coerce’ not coherse like it’s really bugging me now. Or is this a Canadian thing?
Maybe she means "co-hearse", as in they're all done so may as well hearsepool to the cemetery?

Adam Sandler Shut Up GIF
Feb 28, 2024
also - this isnt doxing myself, but my v close family member is a lawyer owned a big firm so although i dont have a law degree I prob know maybe as much as hann. He would categorically NEVER do what TJ and Hann are doing. It is completely inapropriate and probably risky career wise. Legal professionals have such high caseloads and its all so complex they wouldnt have time to engage in other peoples online nonsense. And if they did they wouldn't undertake any of these conversations on a public broadcast.
also this is an awful thing to say but the lawyers I know are snobs and would be like sorry im not managing a Jeremy Kyle episode. I used to watch it every morning and my dad would say 'this is why I branched out from criminal law'. I think I am a snob too and im not sorry.
Tired Downton Abbey GIF by Sky España