Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

I also wish everyone would stop trying to make bun happen 🤦🏽‍♀️
Omg I’m glad someone said it. I just think they’re on about turning people into bread and I’ve decided to give up gluten today. It’s cringe when millenials try jump on these cringe new expressions. I’m a millennial so if anyone has a problem with that, argue with my birth certificate

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
At this point now if you support alex , red , pearl, kelly then you are a “wrong en “ we don’t want edl stains on the app , claire is right . You can’t be enough now just calling Alex out and then carrying on like nothing happened . You have to be against what he stands for . If someone shows you who they are believe them !! We do not want or need men who actively choose to support the worst in woman and do against us that are good and have morals . You are the same as him if you have him in ur box to play with . Hes a nobody just some plank from brum . Does nothing but bad on the app , chases drama , bullies us woman , backs racists, he’s boring , dull , dumb and those are stonewall wall facts . Stop enabling him and that t red she’s just some trash that failed as a singer and has been chasing that fame ever since . I wana see our claire and nanny d rise up and tell em all what they are doing wrong coz they def have the right ideas on who’s who and what’s what
There’s too many YOUs in this, it’s making it look like you are directing it at me 😂😂😂 as you replied to my rant.
She would get a kick in the tits if she entered the Queen Vic
That’s my girl 😍
bow tie GIF