Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 10, 2024
(Apologies for the long post all)

Alex, you have Mummy issues and a Napoleon complex to a magnitude that excels any I have witnessed previously. You are a textbook narcissist and dull as a limp noodle. Every single joke you have ever tried to make has fell harder than a lead balloon - the entire population of crickets flock to your lives merely to chirp each time you try to land a one liner.
No one laughs with you, they laugh at you.

Angie...oh, silly Angie. You engage with actual degenerates and are one yourself. I heard someone say your type of humour is 'dark' and 'shock humour'...yeah, it's not. It's merely deranged. That is probably why you and Alex get along so very well, you each have zero sense of humour. You also both have utterly corrupt morals.

Miss Beg, you are quite frankly atrocious.
You haven't risen from the ashes, you've barely risen from the s that Cocker spews out.
You're not a phoenix, you're a chicken ball.
That 10am slot you supposedly worked hard for? Worked hard doing what exactly? Playing the role of Oliver Twist? Mocking MH? Stabbing people in the back? Rinsing vulnerable people for gifts? Accepting mushrooms from your white Knight? What hard work did you do? A person can not own a time slot and frankly your 10am live is a pile of s.

Get fed,
Curtesy of me.

Disclaimer: This is my personal stance and opinion. I feel the same sentiments towards EQ and other creators but this has come fresh off the back of Alex's live which I caught via cam2. I listen, I observe, I call it as I see it.