Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

stoney 😈

May 27, 2024
suck ya mum
Bazza is here for me, darling. This is him putting me in my place, getting s wrong then going back to playing nice guy Baz. It gets tiring after the first 10x
Maybe he should go have a chat with his precious Chloe! Is CC still a 3 comment limit for new members?
The Lord Of The Rings Quote GIF by Top 100 Movie Quotes of All Time


Apr 3, 2024
Then what is it you want Baz?! An eastenders Christmas special?! What?! Tell me?! You came here wanting to do what?! Shame me?! I’m not ashamed because I’m telling the truth. Why would I stand back and let me and Stoney be harmed?? Honestly fing sort yourself out. This is actually fing ridiculous
Who’s harming stoney ? I’m not talking about you or to you. I haven’t mentioned you. But you put up a worse novel than mine, which is quite an achievement. It’s not about you.
Who’s harming stoney ? I’m not talking about you or to you. I haven’t mentioned you. But you put up a worse novel than mine, which is quite an achievement. It’s not about you.
She paragraphed her novel. It was a far better read. Sorry Bazza. Aren’t there other women for you to shout at?
Mar 2, 2024
Who’s harming stoney ? I’m not talking about you or to you. I haven’t mentioned you. But you put up a worse novel than mine, which is quite an achievement. It’s not about you.

Have you lost your mind or what? What have you been smoking?! It was about me Barry. You do this all the time. You dm me, you rant, you slate me, you apologise, you block. Rinse and repeat every fing time.

Just stop. It’s enough
Have you lost your mind or what? What have you been smoking?! It was about me Barry. You do this all the time. You dm me, you rant, you slate me, you apologise, you block. Rinse and repeat every fing time.

Just stop. It’s enough
Sounds like something people do when on substances/alcohol.


Apr 3, 2024
It wasn’t an insult. It's not something funny. It’s erratic behaviour and I have seen things like this before through others with alcohol/substance abuse problems. That’s just how it’s coming across to me right now
Wonderful, well I’ll be sure to call you up if I need any help with my shortcomings in the future.
I’m not trying anything. I also don’t need to call up my gang to come in and repeat the same tired insults.
Look Bazza, this is obviously something that’s gone on for years now. It’s nothing but toxic and harmful. To others and probably you. It’s not healthy to be holding onto it now. You have your little side of TikTok, they have us here. You’re the one bringing it here which is the crazy thing about it. Why can’t you just move on and let others move on?
Wonderful, well I’ll be sure to call you up if I need any help with my shortcomings in the future.
You don’t have my number and you don’t seem like someone I’d trust with my number so I can’t see you calling me up. I’m not mocking you here, this isn’t funny to me. You’re not making sense and I’m doing the best I can to try make sense of it.


Apr 3, 2024
Have you lost your mind or what? What have you been smoking?! It was about me Barry. You do this all the time. You dm me, you rant, you slate me, you apologise, you block. Rinse and repeat every fing time.

Just stop. It’s enough
Can I just reply to this - ‘just stop.its enough’ this is silly. You’re trying to make out that this is some kind of regular thing. That’s fine. I will no longer reply to you, even though i was not addressing you in the first place. You are clearly affected and your rant about Donna etc which is full of lies, kind of shows that.
Yes. That Bazza 😭
Good grief why is he starting i thought things were calm, i don't get involved in anything but i briefly remember that chloe and all the drama with kev and his niece was it? And initially thats where donna came from as she was a supporter of kev?


Apr 3, 2024
You don’t have my number and you don’t seem like someone I’d trust with my number so I can’t see you calling me up. I’m not mocking you here, this isn’t funny to me. You’re not making sense and I’m doing the best I can to try make sense of it.
Oh stop ffs, the gaslighting and pretending you’re not part of the little troll group is tiresome. None of you can cover your tracks at all well.