Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 29, 2024
Defends Red by calling a person Red asked to do an exposure on Zac when he was actively SH a...wino? Is that the best she has? If she was going to slip off the good Christian mask she could have at least gone all out and ramped the insult up a notch but a wino? 😂😂

Not a fan of FF, Zac or Red either but really Sally is giving absolutely nothing.

(Was it not FF?? Where is that b?)
Nah that’s not even the best part!
The god botherer was also an alcoholic and god knows what else! That’s why she so religious now! She did Christian cult style rehab I think and ended up becoming someone with a good reputation and then she stole from the charity she worked for, syphoned Money to other accounts and started her own business…. (Pretty sure she took some people with her from the charity from what I saw on gov website!) now she sits on a gold throne looking down at everyone like she’s some sort of God! She’s a fun one to deep dive tbh 🤣


Mar 23, 2024
Looked back at old recordings and found the one where Cockerpoo says she has no sympathy for Lisa. As well this recording she says "if it was someone else other than me it could be damning to them" so is she hinting it is her? Because surely if it was someone else like what is happening now, people who are not cockerpoo are being linked as the person who did it to Lisa (if that makes sense). Maybe I'm overthinking it.
Hmmm 🤔 now I have listened to that, the way cockerpoo pauses when she is talking is exactly the same as the recording, or am I going dolally??
Apr 10, 2024
Nah that’s not even the best part!
The god botherer was also an alcoholic and god knows what else! That’s why she so religious now! She did Christian cult style rehab I think and ended up becoming someone with a good reputation and then she stole from the charity she worked for, syphoned Money to other accounts and started her own business…. (Pretty sure she took some people with her from the charity from what I saw on gov website!) now she sits on a gold throne looking down at everyone like she’s some sort of God! She’s a fun one to deep dive tbh 🤣
See I just thought she was a hypocrite False Christian in general, this takes the actual piss - please someone, anyone, tag me in those comments so I can tear into her on a biblical scale.


Dec 21, 2023

Disgusted Ew GIF by Jeopardy!