Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Just came across Hayleys live, does anyone know what the leaked voice note is? Apparently there has been a mole in her discord
Apparently it was a voice note of her saying she felt done over by Lisa and she couldn't defend her etc, but she said the expect same stuff on lives ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Even if they were what exactly are they doing wrong are they causing any harm? We don't speak of that rancid fing group. We all chat s about anything but that. Coming onto a public forum to gather information is strange to go to the extent of even making multiple accounts to do so and gain trust of multiple people so you can get into their lives. Just piss off
Mar 10, 2024
What size/ml was the yazoo?

Wendy Williams No GIF
Apr 5, 2024
Even if they were what exactly are they doing wrong are they causing any harm? We don't speak of that rancid fing group. We all chat s about anything but that. Coming onto a public forum to gather information is strange to go to the extent of even making multiple accounts to do so and gain trust of multiple people so you can get into their lives. Just piss off
M8 yous have been they are all in here on accounts sausage kazzy childforce chicken crew and so many more I'll out them all over next week or so with undeniable facts