Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

He also only recently unblocked me to view the alex video because hes salty that he doesn't need oxygen 🤣 but cal had a fab idea that i should change my name to cals oxygen because off him actually needing it
Aww poor cal. He’s a good sport but he would forget he told you that and block you 😭
Mar 10, 2024
Oprah Winfrey Reaction GIF

Check out sammies friends list. We’re virtually all on it. Which means the account at one point was cc
I haven’t been in, I’m ghost watching cause I don’t want to get blocked. No doubt she’s still here if she ain’t been rumbled yet. She’s fing sick. The things I heard her just saying🤢 Kazzy ain’t much better but acting like being trafficked as a child is below you. Apparently she had a protest at her house about her?