Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Bunch of pussys
Dance Love GIF by Leah Shore
Apr 10, 2024
You don't need to know who I am but I'll tell you one thing for free me and my associates are keeping an extremely close eye on Judas and miss baguette in particular.
Quit yapping and get to stepping, it's boring.
You and 'your associates' putain de bordel de merde, take your weird 'threats' elsewhere and while you're at it va te faire foutre 🙃

You stink of milk, specifically strawberry yazoo - I can tell that one of your 'associates' likes sting in wardrobes and I don't need to know much at all about you to know that.
Apr 10, 2024
You got some leng ai goth girl as your dp but you're on comment cafe with almost 5 digit reaction points, so it's reasonable to assume you're built like a Nissan juke and have the personality of one IRL too.

Strawberry yazoo is probably an apt description of your pH level. Don't try it you can't even tie my laces baby gal.
Stay thinking that way, I like it when people have the complete wrong impression of moi - helps me blend in better 'innit'.
I can tell, very easily, your IQ is at the bottom of the proverbial barrel and I almost feel bad for tearing into you as I'm about to, however, you brought it here first (and you came for two of cc) so get rekt.

You're a has been, wannabe, fake, undesirable that fell off and fell out with their little group of like minded sickos. You can't seem to resist plaguing the Internet with your inane and frankly trifling remarks alongside your demented commentary yet you seem to feel its your duty (in some deranged way) to pursue others who haven't done anywhere near the level of fed up s that you've done.
I don't need to look at anything beyond your surface level to know you're insecure, you cling blindly to any form of what you think is a friendship and you probably have abandonment issues to boot - that's why you try to stick to people so fiercely isn't it?

Weird you've got a whole arse other person pretending to be a ferret though, I actually like real ferrets so it's tarnished them a little for me ngl.