Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 2, 2024
Henry Hoover swaggered into the crowded prison yard, his arrogance palpable. RedRedWine and Judas exchanged knowing glances, recognizing trouble when they saw it. Henry's racist remarks echoed across the courtyard, drawing glares and mutters from the other inmates.
As Henry antagonized anyone who crossed his path, he didn't notice Patty B sneaking up behind him, a devilish grin on her face. She slyly whispered to RedRedWine and Judas, her plan unfolding.
Suddenly, the unexpected sound of Charlie's oxygen tank wheezing filled the air, drowning out Henry's hateful tirade. Laughter erupted as chaos ensued. Zias false teeth clattered on the ground, dropped in the scuffle.
In the midst of the commotion, Patty B made her move, pushing Henry towards Zias false teeth. With a scream, Henry stumbled, landing face-first on the teeth. The prison yard fell silent as Henry lay, unmoving.
RedRedWine and Judas watched in stunned silence as Patty B winked at them, her sweet revenge now complete. Henry Hoover, the racist bully, lay defeated by the most unexpected of foes: Zias false teeth.

I love this!! 🤎🤎🤎
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Ooft,scrolled past Dread’s those mouth sounds 🤮
Stay Hydrated Drink Water GIF by Pudgy Penguins