Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 10, 2024
He's not battling as much as he used to, so now needs a new way to make money
Perhaps he should try actually contributing something to society other than a risk (via dangerous driving) or being a source of discomfort and offence (via triggering people with what he says/does) if he wants to actually make money properly. He's atrocious.
Feb 29, 2024
Yes, I usually have to sleep once home. I try and pick times of appointments etc where I think least people will be about, the build up of talking myself in and out of going is exhausting, the high anxiety/alert whilst out is exhausting, it's just awfully tiring! Good luck lil mallow
Bless you it's not nice. Last week I went to a wedding and my poor husband had 72 hrs pre wedding of me saying I'm not fing going 🤣🤣 asked if I could pull a sicky! Was a good day and really enjoyed it. But I do have a diazepam before leaving
@Patty B happiest of birthdays to ya, you beautiful hag 😍😍😍 (I honestly believe I’m talking to the real Pat Butcher when I talk to you, I won’t be told otherwise)
Happy Birthday GIF by Nick Kroll
Feb 29, 2024
Hope you'll be alright, I know it must be tough and I know it's not much but I want you to know I think you're very brave - make sure to do something just for you afterwards whether its something as simple as listening to your favourite song or taking time to pamper yourself 😘❤️
Thanks hun, once I'm there I settle a little, but have to pick up meds and go cob shop for a treat of a crusty cob with cheese and red onion 🤣
Nov 10, 2023
Up early today as I have a group to go to on a Friday. My anxiety isn't good 🥺 hate my agoraphobia it so needs a kick up the backside!! Any of you guys that suffer with agoraphobia do you end up feeling exhausted and drained after being out. I think it's more of the build up to going out that exhausts me
I suffered with it and really bad social anxiety after going through some really bad workplace bullying. I have great mental health team which I’m really thankful for. My support worker would come 3 times a week. And each time we would go for a walk. It started off just walking as far as the garden gate and gradually got longer. But it was mentally draining and exhausting. She always came at 10am so on them days I’d be up from about 5 am and just overthinking everything and by the time she’d come bland gone I’d be exhausted. I completely get where you’re coming from. You’re strong my little marshmallow and you’ve got this ❤️
Apr 10, 2024
Zacdabrat gunning for Luci. Luci, apparently swaps numbers with her big gifters and then rings them crying looking more. He also mentioned her Cc account. This doesn't surprise me, I never took to her
She's very dull yet seems entitled, she seems to think that just by merely existing she is somehow owed the world yet aside from her frankly horrendous music she contributes nothing aside from a fake nicey-nice persona and then when her mask slips a shrieking banshee who whines endlessly about drivel. Truly I thought it was bad when I only heard a snippet of one of her songs but it's worse than that with how privileged she acts.
Zacdabrat gunning for Luci. Luci, apparently swaps numbers with her big gifters and then rings them crying looking more. He also mentioned her Cc account. This doesn't surprise me, I never took to her
He said some cc members know her account name
wtf? That little rat bag can do off out of here with her s music that always sounds like another song from years ago. Who knows her account name? Out the b!

I remember Zac outing her for being at an event and having a good time on the sniff.