Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
My Birthday Dasia GIF by Miny
Happy Birthday Money GIF by CocoJuice
Apr 10, 2024
Cocksofpoo seems eager to align herself with pp (who apparently had another account ban after something he said recently and is using another person's account.)

Cockpoo was keen, once again, to paint herself in the light of a saint who had done no wrong - when in fact she is the reason things spiralled as they did - whilst those in the live she was in the others sucked up to her as though they were barnacles on a sinking ship.

Cockshite then said she would soon be near where pp is and would love to meet with him in person (Perhaps pptiny will be fully initiated into the EDL.)
What gets me is she (Cocks) would love to meet a man that stated minors can be in relationships with adults - which is despicable and wrong and continuously talks about sensually explicit things despite the fact that minors might be listening, including talking about his 'trick' which involved a cream egg. There is humour and then there is whatever tf it is that pp does.

Personally, I think Cockshitter and smolpp are very well suited - I'm sure they'll have a wonderful time.

Hopefully if Cockdoodoo does have an actual dog she won't let it anywhere near tinypp though, he seems to like kissing his rather enthustically on the mouth 🤢🤮
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
Up early today as I have a group to go to on a Friday. My anxiety isn't good 🥺 hate my agoraphobia it so needs a kick up the backside!! Any of you guys that suffer with agoraphobia do you end up feeling exhausted and drained after being out. I think it's more of the build up to going out that exhausts me
Yes, I usually have to sleep once home. I try and pick times of appointments etc where I think least people will be about, the build up of talking myself in and out of going is exhausting, the high anxiety/alert whilst out is exhausting, it's just awfully tiring! Good luck lil mallow
Apr 10, 2024
Up early today as I have a group to go to on a Friday. My anxiety isn't good 🥺 hate my agoraphobia it so needs a kick up the backside!! Any of you guys that suffer with agoraphobia do you end up feeling exhausted and drained after being out. I think it's more of the build up to going out that exhausts me
Hope you'll be alright, I know it must be tough and I know it's not much but I want you to know I think you're very brave - make sure to do something just for you afterwards whether its something as simple as listening to your favourite song or taking time to pamper yourself 😘❤️