Ah right I picked it up arsewaysTaurine has said herself she didn't give her an account she made a fresh account all in Lisa's name so she couldn't be associated with it. Shes been banned and wants it back. Despite just saying she set it all up in Lisa's name.
This is it he has no life at all , but what good is he having a tracheostomy fitted when he can’t do nothing I just don’t get it surly his cousin can see this but most of us that went tonight we said our good byes because it’s not Justin anymore. Surly the doctors and consultants can over turn the decision ? Because he’s gone and the machine keeping him alive it’s just so sad xxYour not being an arsehole! Not at all. What quality of life would he have? It's selfish of his cousin. I had a tracheostomy..it was awful, I'd be raging if that was my friend.
Keep strong crayon luv, your best friend knows you care xx
You gotta give it to Judas. She good at seeing people for what they are. And has been proved right loads of times now.
I think U sound like Sarah parish in cutting it
Now this is the best thing on tiktok 🩵emotional 🥹King Louis is live. There’s 10k watching.
Tiny tony digged deep and gifted Louis 5 roses
t more like 5 roses that’s big of himHe’s pathetic
Louis biopsy came back 0% rejection. Nice to see some good news for a change.
They open the sternum eekI don’t know if I want to Google it just yet, but when they do a heart transplant, how do they get inside your ribcage? Do they need to open it up?