Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
The discussion wasn't aimed at anyone who takes medication as prescribed and doesn't abuse it btw. We were just suggesting what she takes because she rarely goes off camera but gets progressively worse during the live
Yeah I got that.

Perspective though. I’ve had Bupenothrine and Fentanyl patches. They are prolonged release, micro dose. Ive never had side effects or felt high etc? Maybe a bit tired when doses were being increased. I have the highest dose patch and I function fine. I’m guessing if it’s patches, she’s not using them consistently or she wouldn’t get high.

I guess she’s making cocktails of meds and mixing them up regularly to not get used to a specific dose of anything.


I get oramorph in 1ltr bottles each month, I don't act like demi, only time I've been abit like it was when I drank alcohol with it...
I was on valium, morphine and oxy's for years. Apart from the odd valium, i don't take anything now. We were discussing what she could possibly be using. Not once did I say oramorph was solely to blame for the state she's in or imply that's the way everyone is when they use opiates, it was based on my own personal experience with mixing benzo's and opiates.

Edit - Sorry, if it came across as me labelling anyone who is prescribed opiates as 'acting' like Demi, because thats not what i was implying, I understand people can relate to certain topics, and feel the need to correct something based on their own experience. - I've done it myself.
I would never mock anyone for having to take medication nor would I mock anyone who is abusing their meds, especially when I've been there and done it myself.
Last edited:
Mar 15, 2024
Season 1 Lol GIF by NBC
Lana thinking Dave and Angie are actually getting married 😂😂


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron

Great for her if she loses weight, great if she’s getting help, but none of her weight issues etc are our fault. She has said she’s lost 5/6 stone, yet posted just the other day saying 11lb down! Her own inability to be honest with herself about her size is her biggest issue. She thinks we don’t have eyes 🤦‍♀️

As for CC being the biggest problem? Nah love, it’s people like you, and your abhorrent behaviour that are the problem, we just don’t simp around you and accept it. We challenge the vile behaviour, we don’t let you silence us, we shout as loudly as you! Now do off, sort your life out and get to the gym.


Feb 28, 2024

I have better things to do than troll services especially with the career I have myself. I spoke to my girlfriend and we were both genuinely concerned by the comment, lack of remorse and understanding on why it was wrong and then the continuation of Tam using the services to "support" her ideology when law stated against this s. The officer my girlfriend knows said unfortunately they do deal with comments like that daily but she could be done under malicious communications due to intent to cause anxiety or fear. Does not matter wether it is going to be pushed or not the fact is it was WRONG, there has been no regret or apology and the concern of openly stating all her local police agree with this thought and find it funny when on duty while people they will actively work with will actually go through traumatic experiences like this. We wonder why people do not report incidents: i would rather morally report a crime and have the police shut it down or proceed than take the word of some random ass bullshitter whose been sacked from healthcare jobs and is linked with that 3 letter group. God forbid I actually want to intervene for a minors safety than risk "comments" and "jokes" being neglected.