Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


I've seen on TT how easy it is to spot people you may know IRL , imagine one her friends sees this kind of stuff , I actually hope it happens
I totally agree! I'm biting my tongue, but what i will say is, I did try to warn someone how it could go horribly wrong for them, especially when they can't handle themselves and they would s a brick if they were exposed by someone who recognised them or their voice irl, and that backfired.
I think some people will only learn the hard way and you have to step back and allow it.
If you're going around saying and doing crazy stuff then be prepared for crazier people to come for you because the app is bursting with them.
Whatever I do or say on social media, I stand by and I'll back it up, i have morals and i know right from wrong. (I admit i can be a hot head but I'm no different off the app) but some people take it to a whole new level then panic when the s hits the fan. Wankers!
Last edited:
Nov 10, 2023
Hi guys sorry I’ve been mia. I had a long hospital stay but I can finally say baby girl was born safely by emergency c section at 36 weeks. We had a nicu stay but are both doing really well now, after a few weeks. I’ve missed so much and missed you all 🤍🖤 b3e50964-487c-4f30-a78e-914eb70d62cc.jpeg
Congratulations! Hope you and baby are both keeping well. You’ve been missed on here.

Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
Hi guys sorry I’ve been mia. I had a long hospital stay but I can finally say baby girl was born safely by emergency c section at 36 weeks. We had a nicu stay but are both doing really well now, after a few weeks. I’ve missed so much and missed you all 🤍🖤 b3e50964-487c-4f30-a78e-914eb70d62cc.jpeg
Oh myyyyy goodness congrats!!!! Welcome to the world baby girl 😍 awww we have a cc baby, I’m so happy 😁😁😁


You’ve changed your tune luv. You were well and truly in with the cult and from what I remember, could be quite a vicious little twerp.

You always stood out because there aren’t many men in the cult and I never forget a face. I do also recall though that you would be nice at times, which was very contrasting and confusing.

So, what made you see sense and are you still a contrarian?
I had to ask Alexa what a contrarian was. I thought it was a posh word for t. 😭


Feb 24, 2024
Hi guys sorry I’ve been mia. I had a long hospital stay but I can finally say baby girl was born safely by emergency c section at 36 weeks. We had a nicu stay but are both doing really well now, after a few weeks. I’ve missed so much and missed you all 🤍🖤 b3e50964-487c-4f30-a78e-914eb70d62cc.jpeg
Aww massive congratulations, hope you and baby girl are doing well ❤️


Hi guys sorry I’ve been mia. I had a long hospital stay but I can finally say baby girl was born safely by emergency c section at 36 weeks. We had a nicu stay but are both doing really well now, after a few weeks. I’ve missed so much and missed you all 🤍🖤 b3e50964-487c-4f30-a78e-914eb70d62cc.jpeg
Omg, you had us worried. congratulations!! I'm so pleased you and your bundle of joy are doing well.
May 16, 2024
Hi guys sorry I’ve been mia. I had a long hospital stay but I can finally say baby girl was born safely by emergency c section at 36 weeks. We had a nicu stay but are both doing really well now, after a few weeks. I’ve missed so much and missed you all 🤍🖤 b3e50964-487c-4f30-a78e-914eb70d62cc.jpeg
Mr Bean Thumbs Up GIF


Jul 13, 2024
United Kingdom
@mrgalaxy wellwellwell don’t try and be someone you’re not in ere, we have eyes everywhere and great memories. So do you want to explain yourself
so i went in the boxes probably 3-4 times total when i felt strongly about something. i wasn’t ‘in with the cult’ or messaged anybody.

i used to turn a blind eye to angie because she was entertaining, but the past few weeks i’ve really started to be repulsed by her. she’s been extra vile and disgusting. to name a few in the past couple weeks…no particular order

1. asking alicia and taurian where their dead mothers are. but having a meltdown when someone mentions her dad.

2. when her mum returned back from holiday we saw the full extent of how she abuses and treats her. paying her nothing, putting fleas through the house, letting her flowers die and letting the house sit in filth and stench.

3. randomly bringing up the gay men and AIDS comments.

4. the black face. i don’t believe she intended to do it. but when people mention blackface and you still refuse to remove it (and get hustle and gemma in the box?) it shows a different story.

5. shouting w*gger w*gger w*gger.

6. pissing her knickers and sniffing them on live. then screaming it’s a kids app whenever someone else does anything 18+.

7. defending tam and saying nothing when she called taurian a terrorist.

and all these are in the past couple weeks. so i’ve seen the light finally. i can’t ignore such vile behaviour and i can’t wait till it catches up to her. i hope im still welcome here but understand if otherwise!