Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Mar 1, 2024
Your better just googling it and being honest with the pharmacy you buy it from. There's a reason they ask.
I have and it just says blood thinners ,just wondered if a ybody knew anymore inside information, my doctor said no to me as I wasn't obese enough which made me angry as being over weight affects my mobility and breathing, they just don't care enough nowadays


Mar 8, 2024
No, there was addresses being doxxed in her chat and at least 1 of them wasn't filtered. I have a ss and I've heard there were more than just one address, but I honestly can't say your area was doxxed because I didn't see it, but we all know Angie lies.

And, the address I have had EW insert at the front so it slipped by the filter.
Yeah her address, because people keep sending me it and I keep deleting it! But I do think it was just for me to kick off which I didn’t do so her master plan failed


Dec 21, 2023
Angie sang happy birthday to Irish,whos only been on the scene for a few weeks but when it was her mod Lisa's birthday a few weeks ago she didn't acknowledge it (that I seen) 🤣🤣🤣 I was watching as was curious to see if she gave even the tiniest s or acknowledged people saying it to Lisa in the chat. I'm sure Lisa was one the idiots that sent angie gifts in the post.
Nov 10, 2023
I think they’re still friends but a few people said she publicly kicked her from the agency after the 2nd time? I don’t know if anyone saw that but that’s what I was told.
I see an account called falcon agency or something like that in pearls regularly now.


Hi guys and gals lol

I will post this here Ellie has paid me the money bank today

I don’t want anymore to do with her at all

I have closed this book

What’s done is done what’s been said has been said

What’s happened is wrong

I am fare and will speak the truth that’s why I have put she has paid it back as much as happened she has paid that
I'm so pleased you have been paid back and hopefully everything can be put behind you so you can move on from it all.
I think Judas and many others were a little confused by your post, because no one knew anything about any money swapping hands, I didn't even know until a couple of hours ago, i was even going to post private messages on here to support your claims on what Ellie is like, and I'm pleased I didn't because it would have most definitely made it look like I was the 'bad guy' because now you've sorted things...So there's where the confusion lies.

It's clear Crayons supports you which is a lovely thing to see and I think a good friendship can blossom from a horrible situation you've been put through.
Sorry I had to jump off quickly as I have friends here, but I just thought I'd quickly pop back on and leave you a little message to explain why there was some confusion.
Good luck and I wish you well and I hope your mental health is improving now that you have stepped back and closed the book and a chaper you no longer wish to read. 🤎🤎


Feb 28, 2024
I came back to the app at the right time
Channel 9 Reaction GIF by Married At First Sight


Apr 16, 2024
Here there and everywhere
He wanted to take a 3 day old newborn out in a pram away from it's Mother for 2 hours to show the baby "trees and swans". The Mother said no, and instead of spending time in the house with his newborn daughter he chose to have a tantrum.

The controlling and toxic language in that paragraph just because he was told he couldn't do what he wanted, he was told no. He wasn't told he couldn't see her, he was just told he couldn't do what he wanted to do. He's not interested in co-parenting. He has no respect for the Mother of his child. He has no consideration for his child. I hope he is only allowed contact under supervision, because I would not trust that man to bring back the child if left unsupervised.
What an introduction to our fed up planet.
Hope she leads a successful, Tiktok free life.