Bless you twinnie, I did really really miss you but completely understand why you needed the break and you have to put yourself first (for once!)
but thank you so much for saying that and for being here now
Oh bless you I can imagine how hurtful that felt as I know how I'd feel if my boy did that. He does do similar but I guess he is 17 so he they doesn't have much patience at all and can roll his eyes constantly. I do have to say to him at times, remember who you are talking to and don't push it.
Does she know how she made/makes you feel?
It's nice she wanted to treat you for your birthday and also I think writing a lovely card is the true reflection. It's easier to write feelings rather than show them as again my boy always does in his cards. But no need for her to be cruel
but I've no doubt she worships you as she can't not being the living, caring mum you are
Oh wow I am so jealous of the horse riding!! How was it? It's on my 50 things to do! Have you seen those horse riding holidays in rural Spain ? I want to go on one of those and looking to do it for my first solo holidays abroad. I've been on solo trips here but not across yet. It's lovely you both got a tattoo too
I haven't had one for 20 odd years until last year I got a bunny one as I lost my little rabbit
in September and honestly I was heartbroken. Pet grief is so hard and not everyone gets it I know. I just wanted something to remind me of him always. He was such a a beautiful boy, we would have cuddles every night and he'd be gently kissing my face
getting upset just thinking of him
Anyway I am so glad he got he got it with both barrels, it's honestly such a head fck but then he knows that so hopefully that roasting will make him back off!!
Jiggy and the others are actually the real trolls. Like even if they didn't believe us regarding our past traumas surely you wouldn't openly mock that. The only reason we call Aimee out on it as we know she lies and it's plain to see. Also saying about contacting nhs bosses, well I guess that's all they have as in reality who is going to listen to a fake profile with a scary arse looking profile
regardless of us not doing anything wrong and the nhs have their hands full as most of us know
Hope work wasn't too bad for you always hard returning from leave isn't it.
How are things with your sister ? Good I hope