James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 18, 2024
He's honestly made my blood boil........ bowel cancer that has spread to lung or liver...... is STAGE 4!!!!!! someone did tell him various times in the live and one of his sheep even had the bloody cheek to say her Dad had bowel cancer that spread to his kidney and liver and was stage 3!! Absoloutly wrong information. As a bowel cancer patient myself I find this honestly shocking! I had to learn so much after my own diagnosis and his lies are pissing me right off and his minions putting their two pence worth in with incorrect information!! 😤 They know nothing! Try being a real cancer patient.......


Jun 18, 2024
west midlands
Don’t believe that’s his window. Looks like shatterproof glass which businesses etc use. A hammer would have gone right through a glass window without much force surely! More bullsh!t. I’m gobsmacked that for someone who knows he’s been well and truly rumbled he still continues to spin lies! The hole is getting deeper and deeper and he won’t be capable of crawling out. More followers lost must surely tell him times up and give it a rest. What a whopper. Despicable pathetic and seriously unhinged.

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
He's just so miserable all the time!! I don't think ive ever seen him crack even a grin 😀 he just drones on about everything that's negative in his monotone voice. If you're not letting the so called 'trolls' get to you then why are you still banging on about it in every bloody post?

People aren't stupid, they can see exactly how his posts have changed. From a hospital bed to now being trolled all the time. All negative, negative, negative.

He claims he wants to support others with mental health and 'cancer' yet all you do is post 'woe is me' bollocks...people have got their own problems going on, they don't want to hear about other people's s too especially if they're not offering support or guidance.

You're followers are dropping Jimbo, maybe it's time to change the narrative to a more positive one and go on...give us a smile 😃
Jun 22, 2024
What exactly are the point in his lives?
Literally all he does is say "hi chris" "hi Margaret" "hi vera" "I'm doing OK thanks Glenys" "hi Boris" "hi Gertrude" "I'm doing fine thanks Roland" *sips from empty sprite can* "I'm doing OK thanks Donald"
Like ffs how boring is your life!
Why people even waste their time watching him when all he does is say hi, scratch his head and sips from a sprite can whilst squinting his eyes.
I've got weeds more interesting.
I just do not get it.