James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Jun 28, 2024
my friend had surgery two days ago for secondary tumours in her lungs from bone cancer. She’s still in hospital as she’s not yet stable enough to go home, yet alone nip to Ibiza for a spot of clubbing. Her chemo also nearly killed her, she was out of it for days after each session, not sat on live blocking anyone who asked how she is!
Anyhow I said it last night, he will claim he never had any chemo and never said he was having it, and will say in a couple of weeks that the cancer is miraculously cured.
He was asked consistently by people who know how he’s not stage 4 and he just kept repeating that he never said he was. I’m amazed he’s got secondaries and he’s just chilling at home, nipping in to hospital for unspoken treatment with no prognosis or plan. Absolute scum and people are drinking it up.


Jun 19, 2024
Wow this guy really needs help.
Is there anything he won't do for a little attention?!!
Still losing followers, and hardly any likes on your videos tho so I don't think it's working James. Shame that. Police are gonna have a field day with you when they come knocking.
The next one will be that one of the trolls has assaulted him and he's in hospital, you watch.

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
my friend had surgery two days ago for secondary tumours in her lungs from bone cancer. She’s still in hospital as she’s not yet stable enough to go home, yet alone nip to Ibiza for a spot of clubbing. Her chemo also nearly killed her, she was out of it for days after each session, not sat on live blocking anyone who asked how she is!
Anyhow I said it last night, he will claim he never had any chemo and never said he was having it, and will say in a couple of weeks that the cancer is miraculously cured.
He was asked consistently by people who know how he’s not stage 4 and he just kept repeating that he never said he was. I’m amazed he’s got secondaries and he’s just chilling at home, nipping in to hospital for unspoken treatment with no prognosis or plan. Absolute scum and people are drinking it up.



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Jun 18, 2024
He said last night he'd had "treatment this morning"
Looked mighty well for someone who's just had chemo, my poor Nan couldn't even get out of bed for several days post chemo. I have no personal experience though so I guess it isn't impossible to be so well afterwards.
Probably didn’t say he “had chemo this morning”. He’s being cautious, so if called out he can say he was having chrons treatment and people just assumed chemo.
If you notice he’s now very vague about any treatment he’s having and choosing his words carefully.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Bloody hell I had a day off and missed all this. So he is moving, again? Didn’t he say that 2 months ago?
James, my dad had bowel cancer which then spread to his liver and lungs. It was Stage 4. Inbetween being told of the spread myself by the doctor when he was in a&e and they had his scan results, the doctor then asked me if, due to the spread and the inevitable happening did I want him to go through procedures and more suffering for what he was in a&e for.
My dad did get over that admittance but died within 4 weeks, and you would not believe the horror of things he suffered in those 4 weeks.
So yes, you are the biggest scumbag ever for lying, yes you did say it was Stage 4 and no, it isnt a 6 week course of chemo to cure what you say you have.
What a joke he is. To even imagine my dad moving house, going on holiday, even doing tt lives once his cancer had spread. Not a chance. I was lucky if he managed to ever move out of bed with lots of help. I had to lift his legs in to bef for him, he didn’t even have the strength to do that himself. He was actually begging me to help him end it because he was suffering so much.
You are a bastard.
And what a shock, more lies about trolls. That isnt trolls at all, and if you have cameras yo know who it is. It seems all your neighbours hate you too. Strange isn’t it that all your family, your friends, your ex business partners, ex boyfriend and your neighbours all cannot stand you. But its never your fault?


May 23, 2024
69k views of your thread guys.
This is all so familiar, our thread on here, charity gala scam, go fund me scam, a fake book scam people pre ordered, 60k, over 150k and more we were suspicious of,
Lots of confusion and cancer lies.
He threatened, doxed innocent people online who just had valud opinions, blocked anyone who asked a valid question or challenged him over something,
I could go on and on,
He died, but nobody believed him, his wife kept all very low key, which we later realised was for possible tax fraud reasons, everyone thought he was in Brazil, to the point several people requested the death certificate.
We did prove the book was fraudulent, and the other monies have not been used for purpose.
We thought the wife ma baker was just an innocent party, but after he died the threatening and doxing of innocent people continued, including a disabled lady in a wheelchair, so she was just as bad if not worse, what I'm saying here is just a small part of this journey we had, so much had happened.
These are people who live in a million pound house and had a Ferrari and range rover, but still setting up GFM to raise money, we also thought they had a fake marriage.
His followers supported him the whole time and called us trolls, after the book drama, and we were proved right, things changed abit,
We reported to the police, the newspapers, action fraud, HMRC, companies house, Instagram and Go fund me.
The thread has now gone quiet, but we have had over 307 hundred thousand views.
We still think theres more going on, and have no bleepin idea if any of our reports to authorities have actually come to anything.
All these stories are so familiar!!


Jun 26, 2024
He said last night he'd had "treatment this morning"
Looked mighty well for someone who's just had chemo, my poor Nan couldn't even get out of bed for several days post chemo. I have no personal experience though so I guess it isn't impossible to be so well afterwards.
Not everyone looks unwell after treatment. It depends what the treatment is. I'm on chemo for stage 4 but I look 'well' from the outside, people that don't know my diagnosis wouldn't know it from looking at me. I'm not in anyway sticking up for him, I believe he is full of lies!!! He said on his live he had treatment yesterday morning, so why didn't he share any pictures of it?? He could have easily shut us all down by getting some proof! He's usually so keen to share hospital pictures....he obviously needs some time to go and get some new snaps after being outed for constantly posting the same pictures from a hospital! He just loves the attention, as someone else said about his lives, all he does is say hi to people, why not talk about mental health and cancer?!!
Jun 22, 2024
Not everyone looks unwell after treatment. It depends what the treatment is. I'm on chemo for stage 4 but I look 'well' from the outside, people that don't know my diagnosis wouldn't know it from looking at me. I'm not in anyway sticking up for him, I believe he is full of lies!!! He said on his live he had treatment yesterday morning, so why didn't he share any pictures of it?? He could have easily shut us all down by getting some proof! He's usually so keen to share hospital pictures....he obviously needs some time to go and get some new snaps after being outed for constantly posting the same pictures from a hospital! He just loves the attention, as someone else said about his lives, all he does is say hi to people, why not talk about mental health and cancer?!!
Having only experienced my Nan going through chemo and seeing how unwell she was afterwards is the only comparison I had. That's why I added at the end I know very much about the treatment and it's side effects so thank you for enlightening me. I still think there's more chance of me seeing Elivis in Tesco than him having had chemo yesterday morning though 😂


Jun 14, 2024
69k views of your thread guys.
This is all so familiar, our thread on here, charity gala scam, go fund me scam, a fake book scam people pre ordered, 60k, over 150k and more we were suspicious of,
Lots of confusion and cancer lies.
He threatened, doxed innocent people online who just had valud opinions, blocked anyone who asked a valid question or challenged him over something,
I could go on and on,
He died, but nobody believed him, his wife kept all very low key, which we later realised was for possible tax fraud reasons, everyone thought he was in Brazil, to the point several people requested the death certificate.
We did prove the book was fraudulent, and the other monies have not been used for purpose.
We thought the wife ma baker was just an innocent party, but after he died the threatening and doxing of innocent people continued, including a disabled lady in a wheelchair, so she was just as bad if not worse, what I'm saying here is just a small part of this journey we had, so much had happened.
These are people who live in a million pound house and had a Ferrari and range rover, but still setting up GFM to raise money, we also thought they had a fake marriage.
His followers supported him the whole time and called us trolls, after the book drama, and we were proved right, things changed abit,
We reported to the police, the newspapers, action fraud, HMRC, companies house, Instagram and Go fund me.
The thread has now gone quiet, but we have had over 307 hundred thousand views.
We still think theres more going on, and have no bleepin idea if any of our reports to authorities have actually come to anything.
All these stories are so familiar!!
Oh god I remember mr bowel bro. He was disgusting and I wish I had his address as I’d burn his house to the ground. He was trying to copy our beloved deb and it didn’t work. He’s definitely moved somewhere with all the cash. Hopefully he can give James pointers and James toodles off too.


Jun 6, 2024
north West
Jimmy boys lying i havent moved off my sofa and no ones given out your address its in the paper online. And nice windows btw ☺️
So he is lying about his window being smashed? They are not his windows. This has been proven too, its either not his photo or an old one. Seems many people have been unhappy with him for a long time.