Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


Jun 5, 2023
I’d like @Kkshamwiche to come on and explain a few things too. I don’t know who glitter is I genuinely thought it was the neighbour.
Honestly it's not my neighbour , yes the photo was taken by my neighbours daughter , I have no clue why . Mr k I'll call him did park in her space but he doesn't live round here and parking bays are not marked with house numbers so he didn't realise he had . A simple knock at the door to ask him to move would of been what normal people do . And to add I didn't know where he parked or could see to even tell him and its not something I really rhi k of checking with .

My belief is what happened with my mother in law (ex) next door is speaking to a online troll no doubt the same one who contacted Dan's mum and is sharing info hence the photo ...that troll has come on here and tried to be clever and pretend it's them .

This has happened a few times over the years they befriend anyone I've fallen our with (it's a few 🤣) and gathers info then throws them under the bus .
It's all quite ridiculous really .

This person and I know it's you ..and you know I know it's you has muted me funnily enough !
Apr 21, 2023
Glitter or Glitz n Chic ( 🤮 ) is another grade A t.
Thick as pig s. Up to her eyes in debt and living off her man’s money - he was injured in the Army (deaf in one ear) and sued them. Very dignified and patriotic 🙄

She made a “ career” from glitter s glasses and selling them to daft insta huns and thought she was Sir Alan Sugar.

She also claimed to be a lawyer, but like I said, thick as s so no one ever believed a word she said.
So this woman must be completely mentally deranged to say vulgar things about toddlers and pretend she’s heard it first hand as a neighbour. Wtf
Apr 21, 2023
Can’t really complain about anyone messaging your boyfriends mum (not your mother in law) or your neighbour though can you KK?

When only last week, you yourself messaged someone’s mum letting them know she followed you on OF and had her own page!

Just because your own family and Dans want do all to do with you, and by proxy - your kids, doesn’t mean you should try and ruin other people’s. Typical sociopathic behaviour.

“If I can’t have it then no one else can”


Jun 5, 2023
I think I should know who my neighbour is 🤣🤣 and I can tell you for a fact the nonsense that account came up with was just that nonsense !!
Police use brown bags as evidence bags ?? Come on now !!

Don't even get me started on anything else that creep said !


Jun 5, 2023
Police use brown bags as evidence bags ?? Come on now !!

Don't even get me started on anything else that creep said !
Strange though isn't it, if it was the neighbour surely they would be posting video evidence of this fabricated story from their numerous cctv cameras ! Funny enough mine show the actual truth of what happened on that day 🤣


Jun 5, 2023
So was glitz the one who was messaging the mil?

Seems a scary individual that one tbh 👀
I have no idea who it was, but what I can say the fake Facebook account that messaged my mother in law also message Dan a few months prior trying to cause problems but Dan blocked immediately and didn't entertain it unlike his mother .
Apr 21, 2023
I do now. Thank you 🤣🤣🤣
Nobody finds you funny.

We laugh at you not with you.
You are not liked at all and no matter how many replies you make in this thread or how many emojis you post, that’s not going to change our minds.

You will go back to your old ways tomorrow and we will go back to laughing at your karma which is your car crash of a life.

We will continue to laugh at the squalor you live it and the pathetic pictures you take for only fans.
We will continue to laugh at the dramas you post whilst you claim to keep things private.
We will continue to laugh at your embarrassing TikToks you create, mortified at you acting like a 15 year old.
We will continue to feel sorry for your children who just make do whilst you over indulge in takeaways, fags and Botox.
We will continue to attract more and more people to the forum, as the volume of people you have insulated, attacked or trolled over the years is staggering.
We will continue to stick up for your children against trolls on here, doing more for them than their own mother.
We will continue to champion Dan and hope he is happy and healthy and eating full sandwiches.

We won’t change and do you know why… because you don’t deserve it. You have never apologised for your behaviour because deep down, you don’t think you were in the wrong and you get a kick out of people feeling s.

When @Butter Veins mentioned earlier about what you done to her, how easy would it have been to simply apologise. Sorry goes a long way. But instead you asked for proof.

So if you want me to stop posting about you, give me proof! Prove to me I’ve hurt your feelings and I’ll stop.

Apr 17, 2023
Nobody finds you funny.

We laugh at you not with you.
You are not liked at all and no matter how many replies you make in this thread or how many emojis you post, that’s not going to change our minds.

You will go back to your old ways tomorrow and we will go back to laughing at your karma which is your car crash of a life.

We will continue to laugh at the squalor you live it and the pathetic pictures you take for only fans.
We will continue to laugh at the dramas you post whilst you claim to keep things private.
We will continue to laugh at your embarrassing TikToks you create, mortified at you acting like a 15 year old.
We will continue to feel sorry for your children who just make do whilst you over indulge in takeaways, fags and Botox.
We will continue to attract more and more people to the forum, as the volume of people you have insulated, attacked or trolled over the years is staggering.
We will continue to stick up for your children against trolls on here, doing more for them than their own mother.
We will continue to champion Dan and hope he is happy and healthy and eating full sandwiches.

We won’t change and do you know why… because you don’t deserve it. You have never apologised for your behaviour because deep down, you don’t think you were in the wrong and you get a kick out of people feeling s.

When @Butter Veins mentioned earlier about what you done to her, how easy would it have been to simply apologise. Sorry goes a long way. But instead you asked for proof.

So if you want me to stop posting about you, give me proof! Prove to me I’ve hurt your feelings and I’ll stop.



Jun 5, 2023
Nobody finds you funny.

We laugh at you not with you.
You are not liked at all and no matter how many replies you make in this thread or how many emojis you post, that’s not going to change our minds.

You will go back to your old ways tomorrow and we will go back to laughing at your karma which is your car crash of a life.

We will continue to laugh at the squalor you live it and the pathetic pictures you take for only fans.
We will continue to laugh at the dramas you post whilst you claim to keep things private.
We will continue to laugh at your embarrassing TikToks you create, mortified at you acting like a 15 year old.
We will continue to feel sorry for your children who just make do whilst you over indulge in takeaways, fags and Botox.
We will continue to attract more and more people to the forum, as the volume of people you have insulated, attacked or trolled over the years is staggering.
We will continue to stick up for your children against trolls on here, doing more for them than their own mother.
We will continue to champion Dan and hope he is happy and healthy and eating full sandwiches.

We won’t change and do you know why… because you don’t deserve it. You have never apologised for your behaviour because deep down, you don’t think you were in the wrong and you get a kick out of people feeling s.

When @Butter Veins mentioned earlier about what you done to her, how easy would it have been to simply apologise. Sorry goes a long way. But instead you asked for proof.

So if you want me to stop posting about you, give me proof! Prove to me I’ve hurt your feelings and I’ll stop.

Oh go away you viscious idiot. You see the crap you've just posted shows your mentality exactly where my mentality was 4 years ago. Maybe think about growing up.

Your the type of idiot to believe anything written online by anyone .


Jun 5, 2023
Also - you think it’s glitz talking to the neighbour but I would bet my hat it’s ya mate with the big forehead
I have my suspicions who it is , but the truth is it could be anyone and I won't throw accusations around by naming people if I don't know for a absolute fact with evidence to back it up . But the pattern of behaviour , the wording , the way it speaks etc it's obvious. I've dealt with this person I believe it is for 4 years now . They are correct in what they said in one of their posts "this will NEVER end" yeah sure as s it won't it's been 5 years and you still havent stopped ya maniac .
Apr 16, 2023
Nobody finds you funny.

We laugh at you not with you.
You are not liked at all and no matter how many replies you make in this thread or how many emojis you post, that’s not going to change our minds.

You will go back to your old ways tomorrow and we will go back to laughing at your karma which is your car crash of a life.

We will continue to laugh at the squalor you live it and the pathetic pictures you take for only fans.
We will continue to laugh at the dramas you post whilst you claim to keep things private.
We will continue to laugh at your embarrassing TikToks you create, mortified at you acting like a 15 year old.
We will continue to feel sorry for your children who just make do whilst you over indulge in takeaways, fags and Botox.
We will continue to attract more and more people to the forum, as the volume of people you have insulated, attacked or trolled over the years is staggering.
We will continue to stick up for your children against trolls on here, doing more for them than their own mother.
We will continue to champion Dan and hope he is happy and healthy and eating full sandwiches.

We won’t change and do you know why… because you don’t deserve it. You have never apologised for your behaviour because deep down, you don’t think you were in the wrong and you get a kick out of people feeling s.

When @Butter Veins mentioned earlier about what you done to her, how easy would it have been to simply apologise. Sorry goes a long way. But instead you asked for proof.

So if you want me to stop posting about you, give me proof! Prove to me I’ve hurt your feelings and I’ll stop.


You're so right. SO right. But apologising would mean veering away from the false narrative she's trying to create to come across as the woe is me poor victim.

She deserves EVERYTHING she gets.
Apr 21, 2023
Oh go away you viscious idiot. You see the crap you've just posted shows your mentality exactly where my mentality was 4 years ago. Maybe think about growing up.

Your the type of idiot to believe anything written online by anyone .
Predictable comeback just proves my point. The only difference between Kayleigh 2018 and Kayleigh2023 is the latter has no friends. Zero. That’s the only thing that has changed . Not you. You’ve not changed. Everyone else has and sees you for exactly what you are!