Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


Apr 21, 2023
Hardly post and long time lurker but needed to say something. I am ( very surprisingly for a Scorpio) extremely sensitive. This thread hurts me so bad, but I can’t stop watching. It’s a morbid curiosity as it’s like watching a car crash.

I don’t care if I was 100000000% in the right and was hounded by lying dirty “trolls” online, when it affected my children, I’d be gone. GONE. But this Kayleigh just sticks at it. She literally doesn’t give a s. There is no single account, OF income or TikTok channel worth what she is subjecting herself, primarily, or her kids too.

I cannot fathom this. I think, like I said, it’s morbid curiosity why I’m here. It’s heartbreaking this situation. For everyone
Apr 16, 2023
She’s actually gross she’s laughing that Ted drew “A” on his whiteboard and she was laughing that they looked like dicks. She’s such a disgrace.

19p cola and 20p custard creams ? Is that even a thing ??? Probably is, and of course KKK the pesant knows all about it 😂 I find it so weird how she goes for yams, so ironic I don't know if she's being racist AGAIN or if she doesn't realise yams has a photo WITH Lionel Richie, isn't Lion Richie himself but then, that's the downside of never going anywhere but fing Iceland I suppose 🤣 she probably can't even name a song of his, poor girl is useless. But weird you know she has a pic with him innit? Must be checking on her profile a lot, you obsessed hun? Also receding hairline? Says the ginger monster whose brittle crispy curtains are literally snapped all around her head? Yeah okay KKK, keep projecting to make yourself feel better. You're fing boring now.

@Buddha_belly is just jealous yams has a few kids, she can handle them all without locking them in the the garden, the boys don't doidgily touch the girls like Ted touches cheese and she doesn't have SS involved. Bet that kills you doesn't it KK? Not only has she got the life, money, personality and friends you crave but her family life is bang on as well. That must kill you!

SO glad you'll still be running your of in the background, thanks for letting us A cups know because we are SO jealous.. Not at all concerned your serial killer kids gonna get more ideas or anything LOL loved the A on the whiteboard BTW. Shows his level of intelligence is close to yours and there's sweet do all up there🥰
Apr 17, 2023
My partner rang me asking who the fruit loop was! He was as shocked as me. Luckily, we have a good relationship and after 17 years together, we can both tell each other absolutely everything. I’ve said on several posts that I’d settle for an apology and an explanation- I still wouldn’t ever want to know her again, but I’d respect that she could own up to her mistake and be a big girl and apologise.

Some of the comments on here from others have been a huge eye opener and unfortunately I don’t think she’ll ever see the wrong in her actions. Which is sad when those 2 children are looking up to ‘mummy’ being absolutely disgusting and unhinged.
I want going to say anything, but i had a similar experience with her a few years ago. Nothing like as deep as you, but we got chatting via dms, bit of banter, had a laugh etc. Then totally out of the blue one day, I posted a comment in response to one of her stories which I thought might be helpful to her. In return I got a message saying I’d been up in her inbox spoiling for a fight all day (er, what?), I was this that and the other and I was now blocked. So I know the feeling, it’s like where the do did that come from?

Fortunately for me that’s where it ended. My partner has no social media whatsoever so no way for her to contact him. And as for employers, I’m self employed so HA! I doubt she would have come after me anyway I dont think our online friendship was that deep. So why the huge overreaction on her side, I have no idea.
Jul 25, 2023
You’re all missing the point . She can get her gratification online from strange men , earn pittance and us working boss bitches top up her income out of our taxes via her universal credit which berg will be absolutely rinsing now due to claiming she lives all alone . She is not stupid this woman . She knows exactly how to fiddle us all .
Apr 12, 2023
Kk you're complaining that there are all these pages about you, but let's not forget all your accounts for your personalities.

And I thought you only went for black guys or do none of them want you so you've had to resort to some fat little f who likes like your brother in a full face of make up.

I'm sorry you're so jealous of us all with our happy families and decent men and non obese, non abused children. It genuinely must be so hard to live life knowing you've already set the kids up for failure and made a shell of a man.

Laughing at your own son writing a letter because it looks like a dick. WTF THATS YOUR CHILD. I really worry about your pedophilic tendencies. Just how many photos of yams babies do you have on your phone? (Someone check her hard drive)

I've spoken to belle numerous times, she hates kk just as much as the rest of us and is quite a frequent commenter here..

Paul... the abuse yam has got over the years is honestly unbelievable... kk has trolled her innocent babies, been racist towards them and there's more that I can't even type because it's so sick, just imagine the worst kind of trolling then triple it. All because she's jealous of her, it's really pathetic but so is our kk.

Ss that and put it in your stories, b I dare you.

Love from me and my perky b cup tits ✌🏼

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Kk you're complaining that there are all these pages about you, but let's not forget all your accounts for your personalities.

And I thought you only went for black guys or do none of them want you so you've had to resort to some fat little f who likes like your brother in a full face of make up.

I'm sorry you're so jealous of us all with our happy families and decent men and non obese, non abused children. It genuinely must be so hard to live life knowing you've already set the kids up for failure and made a shell of a man.

Laughing at your own son writing a letter because it looks like a dick. WTF THATS YOUR CHILD. I really worry about your pedophilic tendencies. Just how many photos of yams babies do you have on your phone? (Someone check her hard drive)

I've spoken to belle numerous times, she hates kk just as much as the rest of us and is quite a frequent commenter here..

Paul... the abuse yam has got over the years is honestly unbelievable... kk has trolled her innocent babies, been racist towards them and there's more that I can't even type because it's so sick, just imagine the worst kind of trolling then triple it. All because she's jealous of her, it's really pathetic but so is our kk.

Ss that and put it in your stories, b I dare you.

Love from me and my perky b cup tits ✌🏼
Maybe I am missing the point. She likes black men, which is fair enough, but she made racist comments? Is this part of the multiple personality disorder? 🤔

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Maybe I am missing the point. She likes black men, which is fair enough, but she made racist comments? Is this part of the multiple personality disorder? 🤔
Nothing will ever make sense that comes from her mouth or angry typing dave fingers. There were a few accounts on here a while back when she created the spag bowl one and she was having a full conversation with herself for about 10 pages exhibiting all of her racist ideas.