Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Aug 8, 2023
No wonder they look s, £40 yellow sticker lip's and out of date food ,who does that, KK your nothing but a fat tramp
Absolutely. The mate went on a three day course to ‘learn’ to do them. Of course they were going to be horrendous. The bruising and swelling to the degree KK had shows they were done wrong 😑
Apr 17, 2023
Imagine being so immature and mentally underdeveloped as kkkk.... Removing people who follow yam..... 🤣 Truly pathetic. I honestly feel for them kids. I hope they don't develop her inability to maintain relationships/friendships. What an unsatisfactory life she's living, the need to be vitriolic on the daily is astounding, I don't know how anyone could live like that. Nothing meaningful in her life at all..... Believe me kkk nobody is jealous. You're everything I'd never be and I'm proud to say that. Does it hurt you that you know this is true? That you have no quality of life or any achievements? You know it does and that's why you're so spiteful, rotten to the core and you know you are.
Apr 16, 2023
Imagine being so immature and mentally underdeveloped as kkkk.... Removing people who follow yam..... 🤣 Truly pathetic. I honestly feel for them kids. I hope they don't develop her inability to maintain relationships/friendships. What an unsatisfactory life she's living, the need to be vitriolic on the daily is astounding, I don't know how anyone could live like that. Nothing meaningful in her life at all..... Believe me kkk nobody is jealous. You're everything I'd never be and I'm proud to say that. Does it hurt you that you know this is true? That you have no quality of life or any achievements? You know it does and that's why you're so spiteful, rotten to the core and you know you are.
Her kids won't have any quality of life or any achievement's with that as a "mother" and i use that term loosely just like KK's legs

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Not sure this posted, if I did, I will delete it
Her story of events is very different that's why we also need our own receipts. You clearly saw her as a mate and she clearly wanted more. She had to get a nasty dig in at the end as well, typical. Wonder what topics are acceptable for her when on a mate date? Shes so easily triggered and incredibly insecure.
Aug 8, 2023
Her story of events is very different that's why we also need our own receipts. You clearly saw her as a mate and she clearly wanted more. She had to get a nasty dig in at the end as well, typical. Wonder what topics are acceptable for her when on a mate date? Shes so easily triggered and incredibly insecure.
I feel you can have all the receipts under the sun, but even then Kayleigh will come along with her ‘version’ and edited ‘receipts’ where she will continue to call everyone else the liar but herself. I’ve still not completely caught up with this thread, but from what I’ve currently read, each and everyone of us is the liars. The obsessed ones. The trolls. Never her is it?
Aug 8, 2023
I beg you dish the dirt on her and dans split! If another woman sent my partner her OF, absolute rotting whale or not I'd be feral. Let it all out hun 🤣🙌
😂 I promise all of that will be uploaded some point over the weekend! I’ve given her long enough to reach out and apologise/explain and I know she’s made countless accounts over the past couple of days and not once has she even considered to do the decent thing.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023

What are the signs and symptoms of delusional disorder?

The presence of delusions is the most obvious sign of delusional disorder, which vary based on the type.
Another characteristic of this condition is that the person often lacks self-awareness that their delusions are problematic. They’re unable to accept that their delusions are irrational or inaccurate, even if they recognize that other people would describe their delusions this way.
Anger and violent behavior may be present if someone is experiencing persecutory, jealous or erotomanic delusions.
People with delusional disorder may also develop anxiety and/or depression as a result of the delusions.

Early symptoms of delusional disorder may include:
  • Feelings of being exploited.
  • Preoccupation with the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends.
  • A tendency to read threatening meanings into benign remarks or events.
  • Persistently holding grudges.
  • A readiness to respond and react to perceived slights.
Apr 16, 2023
Not sure this posted, if I did, I will delete it
Shows she was still hounding you, and you were ignoring her. She's pissed because you were talking about your ex's bigger tits 🤣 ,if you were into older woman, why was she there? 🤣 she's thick as fk, you really had a lucky escape there Paul
Aug 8, 2023
Ok, so now I know KK has made up countless accounts over these past couple of days, and not once has she thought to do the decent thing and message me privately to explain/say sorry for what she did, I refuse to keep my mouth shut any longer. What is it you often say Kayleigh? How you are poked and prodded until you snap?

You have NO morals. NO decency and NO nice or genuine bone in your body. For someone who spent months, If not years, going on about how you can hold your hands up when you’ve done wrong? You’re an absolute liar.
You haven’t ‘attacked’ me yet because YOU KNOW what I have on you. 6 years of ‘dirt’. 6 years of your lies, manipulation, your mistakes, the way you treated Dan in the lead up of your split! The dirt on your MIL and how you treated her and the real reason she won’t have any of you in her home?? How you harass, bully, intimidate and stalk your elderly neighbours?? How about I go down that path Kayleigh? How about it’s put out there, once and for all, exactly what you are like? I know for a fact this page is being watched by your journalist friend, so if I were you, I’d be careful the real Kayleigh isn’t put out there in an article soon enough.


Aug 10, 2023
Ok, so now I know KK has made up countless accounts over these past couple of days, and not once has she thought to do the decent thing and message me privately to explain/say sorry for what she did, I refuse to keep my mouth shut any longer. What is it you often say Kayleigh? How you are poked and prodded until you snap?

You have NO morals. NO decency and NO nice or genuine bone in your body. For someone who spent months, If not years, going on about how you can hold your hands up when you’ve done wrong? You’re an absolute liar.
You haven’t ‘attacked’ me yet because YOU KNOW what I have on you. 6 years of ‘dirt’. 6 years of your lies, manipulation, your mistakes, the way you treated Dan in the lead up of your split! The dirt on your MIL and how you treated her and the real reason she won’t have any of you in her home?? How you harass, bully, intimidate and stalk your elderly neighbours?? How about I go down that path Kayleigh? How about it’s put out there, once and for all, exactly what you are like? I know for a fact this page is being watched by your journalist friend, so if I were you, I’d be careful the real Kayleigh isn’t put out there in an article soon enough.
Why don’t you?
Aug 8, 2023
Why don’t you?
Why don’t I what? Spill the truth? Because I thought I’d give her a final chance to message me privately and explain/apologise. I had my suspicions she was watching this page when I joined, however the past couple of days has proven that. I refuse to keep my mouth shut anymore. I owe her absolutely do all.


Aug 10, 2023
Why don’t I what? Spill the truth? Because I thought I’d give her a final chance to message me privately and explain/apologise. I had my suspicions she was watching this page when I joined, however the past couple of days has proven that. I refuse to keep my mouth shut anymore. I owe her absolutely do all.
She is no one’s friend, I know because I’ve been there. She is unlovable, untrustworthy and uncaring. You’re right, you owe her nothing. You probably won’t ever get the answer you’re looking for and I’m damn sure you won’t get an apology from her either.
Apr 16, 2023
Ok, so now I know KK has made up countless accounts over these past couple of days, and not once has she thought to do the decent thing and message me privately to explain/say sorry for what she did, I refuse to keep my mouth shut any longer. What is it you often say Kayleigh? How you are poked and prodded until you snap?

You have NO morals. NO decency and NO nice or genuine bone in your body. For someone who spent months, If not years, going on about how you can hold your hands up when you’ve done wrong? You’re an absolute liar.
You haven’t ‘attacked’ me yet because YOU KNOW what I have on you. 6 years of ‘dirt’. 6 years of your lies, manipulation, your mistakes, the way you treated Dan in the lead up of your split! The dirt on your MIL and how you treated her and the real reason she won’t have any of you in her home?? How you harass, bully, intimidate and stalk your elderly neighbours?? How about I go down that path Kayleigh? How about it’s put out there, once and for all, exactly what you are like? I know for a fact this page is being watched by your journalist friend, so if I were you, I’d be careful the real Kayleigh isn’t put out there in an article soon enough.
May aswell spill the beans, as whatever you say she will only say your a liar and a troll just like all of us here, she doesn't care about any1 but herself, FACT
Aug 8, 2023
May aswell spill the beans, as whatever you say she will only say your a liar and a troll just like all of us here, she doesn't care about any1 but herself, FACT
I absolutely will be spilling everything over the weekend. I owe her nothing whatsoever. I have 6 years worth to spill, and naturally people will have a lot of questions so I’ll make several posts over the next day or so highlighting all of her ‘wrongen’ behaviour.
Apr 16, 2023
Why don’t I what? Spill the truth? Because I thought I’d give her a final chance to message me privately and explain/apologise. I had my suspicions she was watching this page when I joined, however the past couple of days has proven that. I refuse to keep my mouth shut anymore. I owe her absolutely do all.
She had all day yesterday to say sorry, she didn't on any of her fake names she came on, if she did that to my bloke and accused me of something i hadn't done, i would be shouting from the rooftops exactly what shes like, but thats just my opinion