Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun i share your unpopular opinion, teasing is one thing but physical assault and spitting? She'd be out before she hit the floor if it was mine mate! Maybe this is why the teachers are "rude" to her as she puts it, I'd be rude to someone who couldn't control their own fanny goblins tbh. How dare she s them off when they're dealing with the next fing criminal, its beyond me. No doubt she'll story about her "poor kids" being "trolled" but she doesn't care enough to correct their behaviour and prevent people having things to talk about.

Honestly it's broken my heart, if he does abuse cheese and she has been a victim, I don't doubt she will lash out herself due to being so fed in the head. Imagine a mum who doesn't give you attention and a brother who does God knows what to you..

Any insight on her @KKhastheclap ?


Aug 13, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun i share your unpopular opinion, teasing is one thing but physical assault and spitting? She'd be out before she hit the floor if it was mine mate! Maybe this is why the teachers are "rude" to her as she puts it, I'd be rude to someone who couldn't control their own fanny goblins tbh. How dare she s them off when they're dealing with the next fing criminal, its beyond me. No doubt she'll story about her "poor kids" being "trolled" but she doesn't care enough to correct their behaviour and prevent people having things to talk about.

Honestly it's broken my heart, if he does abuse cheese and she has been a victim, I don't doubt she will lash out herself due to being so fed in the head. Imagine a mum who doesn't give you attention and a brother who does God knows what to you..

Any insight on her @KKhastheclap ?
Sorry but fanny goblins had me screaming 😂😂😂 no I absolutely agree! If I was a teacher i think I’d actually refuse hand over/drop off. If only KK spent more time, care and attention on them kids and not her phone! Surely Dan must see this behaviour happening and as a parent WANT to intervene and take them from that god awful environment.
Apr 16, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun i agree, perhaps if they refused drop off and explained to KKK her children must learn to behave in school, or be removed, she'd work a bit harder! But then again, probably not. She'd just pull them out and blame everyone else. I believe Dan knows the behaviour is wrong but is too manipulated, abused and controlled to say anything. Unfortunately I know a few men who have bent to their baby mums will, or kept their mouth shut in fear of having no access to their children and we all know that would be KKKs go too. Do as I say or you won't see the kids!


Aug 13, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun i agree, perhaps if they refused drop off and explained to KKK her children must learn to behave in school, or be removed, she'd work a bit harder! But then again, probably not. She'd just pull them out and blame everyone else. I believe Dan knows the behaviour is wrong but is too manipulated, abused and controlled to say anything. Unfortunately I know a few men who have bent to their baby mums will, or kept their mouth shut in fear of having no access to their children and we all know that would be KKKs go too. Do as I say or you won't see the kids!
Of course. It’s always everyone else’s fault isn’t it. Yes you’re absolutely right. I’ve also known men to bend by their babies mummy.
May 23, 2023
Sooo my sisters planning on leaving her partner but she's not ratchet like me and won't let me punch him for being a total nob, so I've just sent her this and explained there's tonnes of foul pics of KKK and I'm gonna print them all off and paper mache them to his car and she's actually begged me not too and said she'd rather he be beaten to a pulp as that would be the kinder option, to just leather him 🤣 she doesn't think anyone deserves the trauma and she could NOT believe this heffer does OF 😂 but well done on the reshares KKK. Deffo ain't cos people are laughing at you or anything 🤣
Omg the nipples hahahahahha holy good do


Oct 29, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun i share your unpopular opinion, teasing is one thing but physical assault and spitting? She'd be out before she hit the floor if it was mine mate! Maybe this is why the teachers are "rude" to her as she puts it, I'd be rude to someone who couldn't control their own fanny goblins tbh. How dare she s them off when they're dealing with the next fing criminal, its beyond me. No doubt she'll story about her "poor kids" being "trolled" but she doesn't care enough to correct their behaviour and prevent people having things to talk about.

Honestly it's broken my heart, if he does abuse cheese and she has been a victim, I don't doubt she will lash out herself due to being so fed in the head. Imagine a mum who doesn't give you attention and a brother who does God knows what to you..

Any insight on her @KKhastheclap ?
Bria isn’t so much ‘spiteful’ or aggressive but the sheer lack of manners and disrespectful. She often runs off, sticks her tongue out at other children, seems very ‘bossy’ but I’ve never heard or seen her be anything like her brother.
Think the worst I’ve seen her do is tell another child that their shoes was ‘ugly’ because they wasn’t frozen shoes 🙄
Apr 16, 2023
I wonder where the lack of manners comes from!! At least she isn't as bad as the other one though. Can you imagine two of them? I really hope they get the help they need from social services. I find it hard to believe they swallow any of this 'trolls reporting her' bollocks when they would have no doubt asked for the schools opinion. Of course she'd never be honest about it so we can only hope that behind closed doors she'll be steered in some sort of direction that's away from SM and her venomous ways. So many kids slip under the radar because their "basic needs" are met, albeit with frozen out of date food and second hand clothing. Its not until something dreadful happens that people realise how bad it is, and then it's too late and it seems rather than the kids being at risk, other children are at risk of the kids. Thank god we aren't in America because Bobby is giving school shooter vibes I'm not gonna lie.


Oct 29, 2023
I wonder where the lack of manners comes from!! At least she isn't as bad as the other one though. Can you imagine two of them? I really hope they get the help they need from social services. I find it hard to believe they swallow any of this 'trolls reporting her' bollocks when they would have no doubt asked for the schools opinion. Of course she'd never be honest about it so we can only hope that behind closed doors she'll be steered in some sort of direction that's away from SM and her venomous ways. So many kids slip under the radar because their "basic needs" are met, albeit with frozen out of date food and second hand clothing. Its not until something dreadful happens that people realise how bad it is, and then it's too late and it seems rather than the kids being at risk, other children are at risk of the kids. Thank god we aren't in America because Bobby is giving school shooter vibes I'm not gonna lie.
Honestly, bobbys behaviour for later years worries me. I have no doubt whatsoever that he’s going to be one of these teenagers or young adults that’s on the news or one some crime program. I do not believe for a moment this can all be blamed on additional needs, or/and behaviour issues. This is 100% where Kayleigh and even Dan are at fault, who should have corrected and nipped the behaviour in a bud many years ago. I feel Bobby is only going to get worse which is scary when he’s already so out of control.
Apr 16, 2023
No this is definitely parenting. From experiance, children with additional needs just need more support and nurture and the crux of their "bad behaviour" is usually a meltdown due to overwhelm. But nothing you've described so far comes across as an over stimulated or over whelmed child, it comes across as a child acting the way he sees his mother act, and copies accordingly. As I say, I only know one child who acted like Bobby and he went on to frequently hit his mother and siblings. I'll definitely be keeping a close eye on dunstables local news the older he gets!
Apr 16, 2023
@KKhastheclap please give my love to her kids and the parent. As a mother I know its heartbreaking to have your child bullied! Let alone the bully's parents name calling the child also!! She is VILE. I do believe that's the incident but there are sooo many, who knows!! Please do share what you know! More people need to be aware of her pitiful parenting!!
And she has the nerve to complain if another person calls her children ,your vile KK
Apr 16, 2023
Vile and down right deluded!! I knew earlier I had something in reguards to the school and him assaulting other children. I'll have to go through more tomorrow and see if there's anything else there. ME. I. SOMEONE WHOS NOT KRAKEN. Because I know the likes of KKK will try and pin ME sharing the voice notes on her. It's always kraken isn't it. Her obsession is so fing real with yams so I'm just throwing it out there that its me who's shared this🥰 before kayleisha starts faffing her fanny and frothing at the mouth (and gash) over her again!
Apr 12, 2023
@KKhastheclap it's definitely true! Not sure if anyone can refresh my memory bur I'm sure she storied years ago about him biting or pinching another child in nursery and blaming that child for "bullying". It seems he has assaulted several children so far. So he swears like her.. I wonder where he's seen physical violence? Definitely learnt behaviour!
If I remember right,he bit someone & that child pinched his ear & fatty went mad on a live about his poor ear & that he was bullied or some random se like that🤷🏻‍♀️🤣
Apr 16, 2023
@Loulabellend 🔔 🔚 ugh, I wish there was an eyeroll reaction!! She's so predictable. I knew I hadn't pulled the biting out of thin air. That must be yet another poor victim of him. I have just read that a bully over the age of 10 the police can be involved for any kid of assault so keep that under your belt to tell the other parents @KKhastheclap ! As if the school won't boot him, and she won't teach him, they can!


Oct 29, 2023
If I remember right,he bit someone & that child pinched his ear & fatty went mad on a live about his poor ear & that he was bullied or some random se like that🤷🏻‍♀️🤣
Wow. Him being aggressive seems like it’s been going on years then! I know for an absolute fact his behaviour is now at a point where other parents go out of their way to tell their children to stay away from him.


Oct 29, 2023
@KKhastheclap yeah he's been quite aggressive since nursery if my memory serves me correctly. He will end up a very lonely little boy, not invited to birthday parties, picked last in sports, not asked over for sleepovers etc. All because of her and her neglect. What a failure of a woman.
Come to think of it…. I’ve never seen him get handed an invitation to a party or a Christmas card 😞
Apr 12, 2023
Come to think of it…. I’ve never seen him get handed an invitation to a party or a Christmas card 😞
It's so sad, I've never seen them at any birthday parties, Christmas parties,sleepovers or just general things that little children do, only ever seen a few posts off them at her ex mates ( was it Tania,with the nice house?) Having picky teas & playing with toys like normal children do, I never see them having fun & when they do instead of her enjoying it too she's always stuck to her phone doing sty stories about how s it is & how much it costs etc