Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


Apr 18, 2023
The strain on those buttons!! All that OF money and she can't even afford a coat that fits 😅 the curls in the front of her hair as well. Hun, nothing is going to take away from the fact you have a chavtastic mum bun on top of your head and grey roots 🤭
This is the ugliest fing coat I’ve ever laid my eyes on
Nov 30, 2023
well that was alot of info to take in, i feel like monicas mam off friends :ROFLMAO: apoligies if this isnt in actual order of events

listen as a parent of 2 young children the mention of clares law should be enough make you grab your kids and run and not look back!

this whole sex worker thing would actually be ok if you had an end game and were working and saving and striving to give your kids a better life, you know so in 10 years time when they are getting tortured about what you've done they could turn round and say well actually, our mam did that and then we moved away and now we have security, a really nice house, nice car, money in the bank and we want for nothing and she did it all for us to have a better life? ( ranting on a story that this is your plan in a few days because you've read this isnt guna make it true or change the reality for the kids so please just dont )

also at this point im pretty certain that the blackeye is just not the worst thing in the grand scheme of things. fully aware that this will be an unpopular opinion and i DO NOT condone hitting a child or anyone for that matter, but kids forget and bruises heal and if shes lucky she might get an apology. lets be honest in the grand scheme of things its the mental torture hurts and has more dire consequences. the mind doesnt heal like a bruise or broken bone.

shes spent years pushing people away, alienating family, not being able to keep a friend all while letting the kids witness it from a very young age, its brainwashing and manipulation at the highest standard.

the common denominator is YOU, deal with your trauma or burry it and focus on making sure you dont project your trauma onto them! just cos no one protected you doesnt mean you cant protect them, break the cycle, let people love them, dont deprive them of love people want to give them because your resentful

behavior breeds behavior and unless your on your way to reaching savings of 100 grand in the next couple of years to get your kids away from the life of torment and abuse your creating for them we can only hope they see you as an example of what not to be and that would be a blessing no amount of money could buy for them two innocent kids

everyone on the planet has a sad story to tell, everyone on the planet has the right to mess there own life up, it doesnt give you the right to be a sty person, and what no one has the right to do is bring innocent little humans into the world and not do everything they can to give them a good life filled and love happiness and and protect them at all god damn costs!
Nov 30, 2023
Triggered still by the men calling her a chav and mentioning she looks different with no make up. She can't take any critisism can she 😂
good lord imagine the irony of being insulted by being called a "chav" them chavs you see as below you set the trends 25-30 years ago and have continued to do so every year without fail since and probably years before that to be honest by paying full price for your charity shop bargains you can now afford because they let you afford them by not wanting them anymore! hold on to your bargain tho hun my chav grandaughters rocking about in my old juicys that are worth more than the new ones because chavs repeat names fashions and brands and turn them into s trend when THEY WANT TOO but not styles or colours unless they feel like whacking the price up to make sure the brand isnt cheapened! ffs litterally clueless!
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Apr 17, 2023
I’m sorry, but why is she dressed like one of those “i’m ex-military and homeless” con artists you see outside Boots? Some sty army and navy coat with some old rope slung around the middle and tied so tight it’s almost cutting her in half?

Kayleigh, you just look like a pig in a camo-coat out of a jumble sale. I’ve seen week old sushi more appealing.
May 23, 2023
I see she's even talking to her own personalities on tik tok as well as on here. 🤡 I'm off to try and think of a clown name for her......
34 though! State of that forehead 💀💀💀 and I swear I just grew my own crows feet squinting at hers 🤣🤣 the dickhead needs to drink more water, get more exercise and frown less!
I also love how the music is about not explaining herself - on the same account where she basically makes excuses for her sty existence (not my fault, blame the landlord) in between pics of her tits and her kids on a daily 🥱
b use your internet time (16 hours of the day give or take an hour or two for you it seems?) to find a decent hairdresser/beauty practitioner/bra fitter with all that OF money you’ve accumulated xx