Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
She was right about people knocking without announcing their arrival being nuts though, my house is like Piccadilly Circus with the amount of people in and out everyday. Kids mates, neighbours, nieces, nephews, friends, in laws…but I’d rather be our kind of crazy as opposed to hers lol
But that's normal comings and goings mate, luckily with my head of security being a King Shepherd, the Amazon man doesn't hang about and the old JWs never want to stay and have a chat strangely enough. But at least you know who is coming to the door, what their names are, are they a risk to your family, are they carrying the clap etc etc etc
Apr 12, 2023
She was right about people knocking without announcing their arrival being nuts though, my house is like Piccadilly Circus with the amount of people in and out everyday. Kids mates, neighbours, nieces, nephews, friends, in laws…but I’d rather be our kind of crazy as opposed to hers lol
Is she referring to social services 😂
May 23, 2023
Mentioned Bridgey Barbra, got trolled, now on private. Big brave KKK at it again 👌
*puts her posh bleach down in shock* 🤣🤣 is she really trying to come for the travellers now? I have Romany blood, made a joke about chandeliers on a caravan and had to turn off notifications for weeks 🤣🤣
Good luck to you and your dawg kk, good luck 🙏🏽🤣 joking, I hope you get what you deserve 💃🏽🤣
Apr 21, 2023
Ohhhh I wouldn’t do with Bridgey and her lot from TikTok. They are a massive community on there.
I hope she does try it. Because we all know kk would stoop to racism and she would then get her mudflaps pulled over her head and suffocated with them. If she want already tried that herself.


Nov 29, 2023
I can’t stand Bridgey, she’s a massive t BUT she would hand Kk her oversized arse & I am here for that.
Again, our plus sized queen of irony, posts about our “obsessive fan behaviour” & displays the same behaviour online, everyday. She’s a dim as her kids futures.

Literally was gonna say she posted a story about obsessed people speaking about her then posts about Bridgey Barbara openly admitting it's her unwanted unasked for and judgemental opinion. Make it make sense KKK you fing bag of lard. do it, take on the traveling community. I'll get my snacks ready. 🍿

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Shes completely deranged. Kk posts rude comments towards this person (I've no idea who she is). Then she seems annoyed when this person responds in retaliation so KK goes on one of her rants as she feels victimised and that she needs to defend herself. To sound juvenile - KK YOU STARTED IT HUN. She really is as thick as pig s. Also isn't publicly writing nasty comments on someone social media being a troll? Stupid cow.