Lou @Lifewithloux

May 12, 2023
Absolutely screaming at I can’t be a crackhead or smack head because I can afford to get my nails done. That’s finished me off 💀💀💀mate you were begging for someone to buy you a journal LAST NIGHT! I take it no one’s buying s off her birfday wishlist 🥺 so she doesn’t have to plead poverty for a few days? What a whopper also they look s and the colour is god awful hun
Apr 24, 2023
Getting her nails done was clearly a priority 🤔 her good news yesterday was clearly to do with a payment. Tomorrow she will be back saying she's hungry and no food and some dumb do will fall for it. I mean how on earth are people falling for her bullshit at this point. For anybody saying she deserves a 'treat' she deserves do all not even a roof over her head. Scrounging lazy b
May 5, 2023
Showing off her manky pink nails because she booked and paid* for them "proves she's not a crack or smack head", when at the same time the sticky white smack scum is on her yapping lips whilst she's being aggressive to the internet. Stupid b 😂😂😂😂😂 Scruffy bag head is wearing yesterday's clothes, too. All that Temu tat clothing will never be seen again, she's decided that the 1990's Axl Rose lewk complete with hasbeen Southpark Kenny necklace is her aesthetic 😂

*when she moans, titty-lips & no-tears cries about having no money.
Apr 22, 2023
She was apparently due to get her Amazon affiliate money today. Just over £50. She said she was putting it on her Amazon account but looks like she’s cashed it in to get her nails done. (If you can do that, I’m not sure how Amazon aff) works.

Loo roll, food and some baby wipes to wipe her mouth scum would have Been the better option!!


May 11, 2023
Getting her nails done was clearly a priority 🤔 her good news yesterday was clearly to do with a payment. Tomorrow she will be back saying she's hungry and no food and some dumb do will fall for it. I mean how on earth are people falling for her bullshit at this point. For anybody saying she deserves a 'treat' she deserves do all not even a roof over her head. Scrounging lazy b
I've been thinking about the whole 'treat' thing. I think if most of us here were in her position, a treat would not even be an option. We're adults, and life can be s. You have to get on with it.

She absolutely deseves nothing. To think how all this money and accommodation could be improving someone elses life who actually needs help. Makes me so fing angry. And all those "its nothing to do with you". Well I help pay for this fat sack of s with my taxes, so yeah I have every right to be pissed off!
May 5, 2023
I've been thinking about the whole 'treat' thing. I think if most of us here were in her position, a treat would not even be an option. We're adults, and life can be s. You have to get on with it.

She absolutely deseves nothing. To think how all this money and accommodation could be improving someone elses life who actually needs help. Makes me so fing angry. And all those "its nothing to do with you". Well I help pay for this fat sack of s with my taxes, so yeah I have every right to be pissed off!

PREACH!!!! 🙌 🙌 🙌

It has everything to do with us and IS our business when we, our spouses/partners, adult kids, friends & family work and PAY TAXES that fund these gutter trash types.

Makes me sick.....

The other day when she was yapping about HER money being wasted by The NHS made me want to knock her into last year. Lou, we know you read here, it's not YOUR money. It's OURS. WE PAY FOR YOU, your benefit money is our taxes, WE fund The NHS which is wasting money on losers like you & Ste to have methadone for free. fin' tool.