Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 30, 2023
Her latest story 🤣🤣 “It’s stressing me out, I’ve got mental health issues and learning difficulties so av updated ma wish list if anybody wants to ask for it”
How quick did she change 🤣

Banging on about trolls and why they hate her. In a nutshell you stupid woman, it's because us tax payers are funding you and your habit as well as scamming innocent people. Carol excluded, because she's got a hidden agenda imo. Weird woman 🥴
May 5, 2023
Someone just sent this to me. There’s 6 months difference between them. can’t believe the difference in her. She’s got a right gunt on her now too 🤢

I did one, too. The one on the left is September 2020, so just under 3 years ago. Shocking decline. She's the poster girl for "DON'T DO DRUGS, KIDS!" 😖
Jun 21, 2023
Look how well er bungalow is coming on.

No lampshade on her lights but has a "Smoke Catnip" poster.

Just what children need in a nice stable home, yep Lou you'll av em back in no time 😉

As for that mirror she's kept the price sticker on there purely as a reminder as to how much she paid for it from the Cash Converters when she was in pawning s off her beglist.
May 5, 2023
Exactly its so easy to see she’s not clean. She’s an absolute mess and in need of a power hose scrub as no normal shower will get the muck off her

Yeah, that's not fake tan like she claims, it's grime. She must stink. Musty, B.O. & stale cigarettes 🤢 You can most likely smell her before you see her.

Those of you saying there is something weird between her & Carol, I agree. I used to think she was simply gullible, but a woman of the calibre she portrays (home stager, country golf club member, lovely home etc.,) having a vested interest in beggy is ghoulish. I started to think there was something peculiar about it when Carol shows up for every "live" beggy does, no matter what time it is & considering the 8 hour time difference (example, if beggy does a "live" at 11pm, it's only 3pm in the afternoon where Carol is).
If it is a fetish/sexual thing, she has fing poor taste. My husband says the sight of Lou would make a ripe strawberry wither into rot in 2 seconds flat 😂
Apr 30, 2023
Did she say she didn’t like making phonecall’s because of her mental health issues and learning difficultys then go on to say we wish we had her confidence?😂😂 also you know when your kids come home from school and they have pen all over the hands from drawing that’s what her hands remind me of😂
She's such a fake, lazy little witch who just wants everyone to run after her.
May 7, 2023
Did she say she didn’t like making phonecall’s because of her mental health issues and learning difficultys then go on to say we wish we had her confidence?😂😂 also you know when your kids come home from school and they have pen all over the hands from drawing that’s what her hands remind me of😂
Scared to talk on the phone but broadcasts her life on insta to 11K strangers….yeah alright then Lou 🤣👍🏻
Apr 16, 2023
She’s got an Xbox and a stack of games, it she’s begging for a duvet set? She makes me so angry that I’m going to have a break from her. Don’t even get me started on the fact she said that she has learning difficulties!!! The only difficulty she has is learning that her life will never change whilst she associates with the pondscum that is Steminem
Apr 30, 2023
How does she even know Carol is a woman?
Man /woman could be a perv either way, weird behaviour they probably sit at the golf clubhouse telling her rich pals about her little puppet in the Uk 🤮
Exactly, that's how these groomers are behind a screen. If Lou was a member of my family, 30 years old or not I'd be having a quiet but stern word with creepy Carol to back off.