Lou @Lifewithloux

Aug 29, 2023
Broadcasts her life. Complains people have an opinion. Screaming im not using?? Whatever she is taking isn’t prescribed and therefore she’s using. I mean she can say they’re sleepers but whos taking sleepers in the morning unless they wana get high? Pregabalin wouldn’t be prescribed to her so she’s getting those illegally, how dumb does she think we are. Also… did anyone see the lady commenting saying she’s recorded and sent ti James and ss?


Apr 16, 2023
Didn't lou say a few days back she "forgot" to pay some bills and wondered if that was why her Internet kept buffering?
This may have already been answered but when she moved into the bungalow she mentioned about getting a new contract sim and it having unlimited data so she wasn’t going to bother getting proper internet as there was no need. So she has no actual Wi-Fi and that is why she cuts out all the time because the signal is crap
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Aug 29, 2023
I actually felt a bit sorry for Ste there, wasn’t allowed to leave, wasn’t allowed to stand, wasn’t allowed to clean. All he was allowed to do was sit with her on the bed 🤣🤣
Did you see how needy she was?! Like NO don’t leave me 🥺 sit next to me on the bed! Shes never going to leave him and put her kids first i dunno why people can’t see no matter what she says she wants to be with him. Hes always doing the dumping never her
Jun 21, 2023
Did you see how needy she was?! Like NO don’t leave me 🥺 sit next to me on the bed! Shes never going to leave him and put her kids first i dunno why people can’t see no matter what she says she wants to be with him. Hes always doing the dumping never her
He keeps going back though. I wonder what that's about. She could barely string a sentence together, asking him to find her pencil or something . She could have gotten off her own arse to find it.