Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 24, 2023
Bungalow 2, Wecovawee woad.
These pair of doughnuts will end up killing or seriously hurting themselves in a gym.

*Ste waddles in to the gym, arms swinging about like Billy Big bollocks. Lou shuffles in behind him*

*Ste walks to the bench press and slams 5kg on each side and lies down*

Lou - U got dis darlin jobs a goodun

*Ste struggles to lift the bar above his head so Lou who is powered by 16 red bulls and 8 bars of choc choc helps him with it*

*As he lowers the bar, he realises its not going back up*

Ste - Lou, Lou, elp me

*Lou is heavy breathing, slumped over and out cold*